Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Folkart, ki so ga Mariborčani že dolgo nazaj vzljubili in so nanj upravičeno ponosni, je zakorakal v svoje enaintrideseto leto. Smelo, veselo, optimistično! Za vse ljudi svobodnega duha in odprtega srca, ki želijo videti tudi preko oddaljnih obzorij.


Mariborski FolkartT, največji slovenski folklorni praznik, je v lanskem letu praznoval 30 let neprekinjenega delovanja – tri desetletja praznovanja nesnovne kulturne svetovne dediščine.

Mesto Maribor je postavil v center folklornega zemljevida Evrope, prav tako pa tudi na eno nejvidnejših mest v svetovnem merilu.

Ob častitljivem prazniku smo ga poimenovali »Okno v svet«, in ne bi ga mogli bolje opisati; to naše okno, ki nas vabi v svet novih izkustev, je tudi v letošnjem letu na široko odprto.

Folkart, ki so ga Mariborčani že dolgo nazaj vzljubili in so nanj upravičeno ponosni, je zakorakal v svoje enaintrideseto leto. Smelo, veselo, optimistično! Za vse ljudi svobodnega duha in odprtega srca, ki želijo videti tudi preko oddaljnih obzorij.

V juniju bodo v naše mesto prišle najvidnejše folklorne skupine iz Evrope in tudi drugih, bolj oddaljenih kontinentov. Prihajajo odločni IRCI s plesnim korakom, ki je navdihnil svetovno znane plesne predstave, videli bomo mehkobo in ponos MAKEDONIJE ter divjo razigranost UKRAJINE. Občudovali bomo skrivnostno kulturo Majev in Inkov iz MEHIKE ter se odpravili na eskotično popotovanje po GUAMSKIH OTOKIH. Folkart pa se prav tako spogleduje z oddaljeno in mistično KITAJSKO ter stavi na divje ruske prednike iz BAŠKORTOSTANA (Baškirije), z zahodne strani Urala.

To pisano svetovno druščino bodo dopolnili SLOVENCI, posebej še naši Mariborčani, Akademska folklorna skupina Študent.

Tako bo naš svetovno priznan Mednarodni CIOFF® folklorni festival FOLKART tudi letos v naše mesto prinesel čudovito in barvito kulturo z vsega sveta!

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta / Dnevna Lenta

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


31ST Folkart - Closing

Last year, the Maribor Folkart, the largest Slovenian folklore celebration, marked 30 consecutive years in existence – three decades’ worth of celebrating intangible cultural world heritage.

Folkart placed the city of Maribor at the centre of the European folklore map and made it into one of the most prominent folklore cities on a global scale.

To mark this impressive anniversary, we dubbed the festival the “Window into the World” and a more apt description could not be bestowed upon it; this window of ours that invites us all to learn and feel new experiences has been swung open once more.
Folkart, which captured the hearts of the people of Maribor a long time ago and made us all rightfully proud of it, has entered its thirty-first year in existence with a bold, happy and optimistic attitude! It calls to all people with a free spirit and open heart who wish to see beyond their immediate horizon.

In June, our city will welcome the most prominent folklore groups from Europe and other, more remote continents. Get ready for the feisty Irish and their dance steps that inspired some of the most famous dance shows; we will be able to experience the softness and pride of Macedonia and the fiery vivacity of the Ukraine. We will marvel at the mysterious culture of the Mayans and Inca from Mexico and embark on an exotic journey to the Guam Islands. Folkart will also look into the eyes of the faraway and mystic land of China and set its sights on the untamed Russian ancestors from Bashkortostan (Bashkiria) hailing from the Western edge of the Urals.

Rounding up this diverse and colourful group from all parts of the globe will be Slovenia, most notably our fellow Mariborians, the Academic Folklore Group Študent.
And so, our world-renowned International CIOFF® folklore festival Folkart will once again clothe our city in the beautiful and diverse colours of cultures from all over the world!

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: Lenta / Daily Lenta

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Wckd Nation združuje svet jazza in popa, ki ju prepleta v moderen neo-soul. Umirjen vokal ostaja zvest vzorcem sodobnega r'n'b-ja, ki ga podpre inštrumentalna podlaga, ki ni le navdihnjena v jazzu in popu, ampak tudi v hip hopu in funku.


Wckd Nation sestavljajo glasbeniki, tako ali drugače povezani s konservatorijem v Celovcu. Jeseni 2018 je skupina izdala dva singla, Time in Troubles, ki so ju dobro sprejeli na slovenskih radijskih postajah ter tudi ljubitelji glasbe in glasbeni profesionalci. Konec oktobra 2018 je skupina nastopila v živo na Prvem programu Radia Slovenija in bila predstavljena v številnih drugih radijskih oddajah kot tudi v spletnih medijih.

Bend je imel ob ustanovitvi težave z »gangom« iz Los Angelesa. Wckd Nation je namreč ime tolpe, ki obvladuje del tega mesta v Kaliforniji. Po začetnih grožnjah so fantje ustanovitelja tolpe vendarle prepričali, da ne mislijo nič slabega in da bi radi zgolj igrali muziko.

Peter Smrdel, bas
Žiga Smrdel, bobni
Nejc Škofic, klavir
Filip Vadnu, kitara
Grega Skaza, alt saksofon
Matic Mikola, tenor saksofon
Sandi Štor, trobenta
Maša But, vokal
2 spremljevalna vokala

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VeWKFv
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €)

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


Wckd nation fuses the world of jazz and pop, creating a modern neo-soul. Toned-down vocals stay true to the patterns of modern r'n'b, supported by instrumentals that were inspired not only by jazz and pop, but also by hip hop and funk.

Wckd Nation are a group of artists who are connected in one way or another to the Klagenfurt Carinthian State Conservatory. In autumn 2018, the band released two singles, Time and Troubles, both of which were well received by Slovenian radio stations and music lovers and experts alike. End of October 2018, the band appeared live on Radio Slovenia’s Programme One, and was featured in numerous other radio shows and web media.

When the band first got together, their name caused quite a bit of trouble with a Los Angeles-based gang, as Wckd Nation is the name of a gang that controls part of this Californian metropolis. After the initial threats, the band managed to convince the founder of the gang that they mean no ill will and that all they wish to do is play their music.

Peter Smrdel, bass
Žiga Smrdel, drums
Nejc Škofic, piano
Filip Vadnu, guitar
Grega Skaza, alto sax
Matic Mikola, tenor sax
Sandi Štor, trumpet
Maša But, vocals
2 back-up vocals

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VeWKFv
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €)

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Noro zažigalen festivalski zaključek na Večerovem odru z Weasli!



AKAGA MUSIC velja za eno najpopularnejših zasedb Bolgarije, njeni člani pa so priznani kot utemeljitelji sodobnega bolgarskega zvoka.

Glasba Akage je edinstvena zmes fusion-jazza, funka, folka, reggaeja, soula in celo hip-hopa. So prva bolgarska pop skupina, ki je v svoj zvok vključila vodilno trobilsko sekcijo.

Skupino so leta 1992 ustanovili študenti na Državni akademiji za glasbo. Odtlej so izdali že sedem albumov, zadnji je izšel v lanskem letu. V prvih letih ustvarjanja je Akaga koncertirala predvsem v domači Bolgariji, ob tem so izdali tudi svoje prve tri albume, njihova priljubljenost pa je vseskozi močno naraščala. Med leti 1994 in 1998 je bila Akaga tudi uradna zasedba Bolgarske radiotelevizije.

Danes je Akaga priznana zasedba, ki nastopa kot osrednje ime na prestižnih jazz festivalih kot so Bansko, Apolonia, Nishville, Klaipeda, Montreux ipd.

Krassimir Kourtev, bas, vokal
Ivo Kazassov, trobenta, vokal
Georgi Velev, trobenta, vokal
Krassimir Kirilov (Jojo), pozavna, vokal
Petar Glavanov, kitare
Kalin Petrov, klaviature
Dimitar Mitev (Dundee), tolkala

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JSrki6


Noro zažigalen festivalski zaključek na Večerovem odru z Weasli!

Happy Ol' McWeasel je sedemčlanska folk punk rock skupina, nastala leta 2007, ki z mešanico punk rocka in folk glasbe že več kot 10 let razvnema tako domače kot tuje odre. Udaren vokal, močna ritem sekcija ter prefinjenost in navihanost violine, banja in harmonike je zagotovo kombinacija, ki premakne slehernega skeptika.

Zasedba je poznana po edinstvenih in energičnih koncertih v živo, na katerih ne manjka odrskih skokov in akrobacij, niti množičnega nazdravljanja s publiko. Z gotovostjo lahko rečemo, da skupina trenutno velja za eno najbolj vročih rock skupin v Sloveniji, o čemer pričajo številni koncerti doma in v tujini.

Happy Ol' McWeasel so prodrli tudi na japonski trg in pod okriljem glasbene trgovinske hiše The Tower Records ter založbe Uncle Owen Records Utd izdali dva albuma - leta 2012 No Offence, leta 2015 pa Heard Ya Say!, kaj kmalu pa fantje napovedujejo tudi nov album.

Uspehov pa ne nizajo le na odrih temveč tudi v svetu filma. Leta 2014 je hollywoodski studio Century Fox za CBS-ovo TV serijo The Crazy Ones, v kateri glavni vlogi odigrata Robin Williams in Sarah Michelle Gellar, kot soundtrack uporabil prav njihovo priredbo tradicionalne irske pesmi Danny Boy.

Gregor Jančič – Moony, vokali, ak. kitara
Primož Zajšek, harmonika
Martin Bezja, viola
Aleš Pišotek, kitara
Matjaž Piavec, ak. kitara, banjo
Matej Kosmačin, bas
Aleš Voglar, bobni

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JqCNq4

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Vstopnine ni.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/



Akaga is one of the most popular Bulgarian bands, and the members are among the founders of contemporary Bulgarian sound.

The music of this band is a unique mix of fusion-jazz, funk, folk, reggae, soul and even hip-hop music. Akaga was the first Bulgarian pop bands to feature a leading brass section as part of its sound.

The band was formed in 1992 by students at the National Musical Academy. Since then Akaga have released seven albums, the last one in the end of 2018. During its first years, the band had concerts mainly in Bulgaria. They released three albums (Broken Dreams, Why and When You See) as their popularity grew. Between 1994 and 1998 Akaga was the official band of the Bulgarian National Television.

Today the band is a respected headliner at numerous prestigious jazz festivals: Bansko Jazz Fest, Apolonia, Nishville, Klaipeda, Montreux etc.

Krassimir Kourtev, bass, vocals
Ivo Kazassov, trumpet, vocals
Georgi Velev, trumpet, vocals
Krassimir Kirilov (Jojo), trombone, vocals
Petar Glavanov, guitars
Kalin Petrov, keyboards
Dimitar Mitev (Dundee), percussion

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JSrki6


Awesome feet-stomping, stage-burning, final festival day gig at Večer stage with the “Weasels”!

Happy Ol' McWeasel are a seven-man folk-punk-rock band formed in 2007, who have been setting both national and international stages on fire for more than 10 years with their mixture of punk-rock and folk music. Get-in-your-face vocals, a thumping rhythm section and the sophisticated, yet kinky interplay of the viola, banjo and accordion is surely a combination that will have even the most ardent sceptics stomping their feet.

The band are known for their unique and high-energy live gigs filled with stage dives and acrobatic manoeuvres, with venue-wide cheers and drinks thrown in for good measure. It is safe to say that the Weasels are one of the hottest Slovenian rock bands at the moment, as shown by their numerous concerts in Slovenia and beyond.

Happy Ol' McWeasel are big even in Japan, where they released two albums under the record and trade label The Tower Records and the record label Uncle Owen Records, respectively – the album No Offence saw the light of day in 2012, followed by Heard Ya Say! in 2015. According to the lads, a new record is already in the works.

Live gigs are not their only talent it seems. In 2014, the Hollywood studio Century Fox used their rendition of the Irish classic Danny Boy on the soundtrack for CBS’s TV series The Crazy Ones, starring Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Gregor Jančič – Moony, vocals, acoustic guitar
Primož Zajšek, accordion
Martin Bezjak, viola
Aleš Pišotek, guitar
Matjaž Piavec, acoustic guitar, banjo
Matej Kosmačin, bass
Aleš Voglar, drums

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JqCNq4

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Admission free.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Na tradicionalnem festivalskem Rajanju z Romano bomo s plesom ter pesmijo pomahali v slovo otroških dogodivščin polnem Festival Lent 2019!


»Kdor hoče peti otrokom, mora imeti glas, ki gre čez do-re-mi in nazaj do mi-re-do. A sam glas še ni dovolj. Mora imeti tudi veliko in lepo srce, v katerega gredo vsi otroci od Anžeta do Žiga pa od Žive do Anke. Tak glas in srce, bi rekel, ima Romana Krajnčan. Zato poje otrokom prave njihove pesmi.« Tone Pavček

Romana Krajnčan, vokal


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Čeveljci za ples so obvezna oprema!


Tetkine Radosti - najboljša Balkan fešta, ki to ni!

Nečake naše najljubše tetke mariborski publiki več ni potrebno posebej predstavljati. Trije mladeniči so pred leti začeli z raziskovanjem po glasbeni skrinjici nostalgičnih 60., 70. in 80. naše skupne bivše in našli tono zlatega funka, žlahtnega soula, srebrnih šlagerjev, bronastega diska ter diamantne hipijade. Izkopaninam bomo lahko prisluhnili v petek, 28. junija, ko bodo na Minoritih zapeli in zaigrali Josipa Lisac, Darko Domijan, Oto Pestner, Zdenka Kovačiček, September, Tihomir Pop Asanović, Ljupka Dimitrovska ter številni drugi.

Čeveljci za ples so obvezna oprema!

Tetkine radosti

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €) / After+Mladinin oder (5 €)

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


Tetkine Radosti – the best non-Balkan Balkan party there is!

The nephews of our favourite auntie need no introduction to the Maribor audience. A couple of years ago, the three youngsters began their quest through the music box of the nostalgic 60’s, 70’s and 80’s of our former motherland and dug up a ton of golden funk, precious soul, silver evergreens, bronze disco and diamond hippie music. We can listen to these antique relics on Friday, 28 June, when Minoriti will be filled with the sound and voices of Josipa Lisac, Darko Domijan, Oto Pestner, Zdenka Kovačiček, September, Tihomir Pop Asanović, Ljupka Dimitrovska and many more.

Dress code: dance shoes!

Tetkine radosti

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €) / After+Mladina stage ticket (5 €)

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Kolektiv, ki združuje večstoletne tradicije ljudstva Garifuna s sodobnimi plesnimi ritmi in strastnim zanosom, in zagotavlja eno najboljših afro-karibskih »žurk«!


Garifuna je ljudstvo potomcev sužnjev iz zahodne Afrike, ki živi na karibskem območju, predvsem v Nikaragvi, Hondurasu in Belizeju. Njihov glasnik kulture Palacio, ki ni bil »le« najbolj priljubljen belizejski glasbenik, ampak tudi kulturni ambasador in vodja Nacionalnega inštituta za kulturo in zgodovino, je po svoji smrti za seboj zapustil Garifuna Collective, ključno glasbeno zasedbo iz Belizeja.

Njihov kritiško opevani album Watina (Cumbancha) je postal eden ključnih dosežkov karibske glasbe, zato ne preseneča, da je leta 2001 celo UNESCO jezik, plese in glasbo ljudstva Garifuna razglasil za mojstrovino ustne in nedotakljive dediščine človeštva.

Zasedba predstavlja združitev stoletnih tradicij ljudstva Garifuna, ženskih pevk Umalali, združenih s sodobnimi plesnimi ritmi in strastnim zanosom, ki zagotavlja eno boljših afro-karibskih »žurk«, ob kateri ni moč ostati na sedežu. Prav takšne, kot jih imamo na Jazzlentu najraje!

Chela Torres, glas, tolkala
Mohobub Flores, glas, oklepi želv
Sheldon Petillo, glas
Rolando »Chichiman« Sosa, glas, maracas
Tyrone Kelly Usher, el. bas
Al Ovando, ak. In el. kitare
Sam Harris, ak. In el. kitare
Denmark Flores, vodilni Garifuna boben
Keenan Sabal, drugi Garifuna boben in Jankunu ples

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2vFUkBF
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: 15 €, za imetnike (Dnevne) Lente 9 €

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


The ensemble joins hundreds of years’ worth of Garifuna traditions with modern dance rhythms and fiery passion to bring you one of the best Afro-Caribbean parties!

Garifuna are a people descendant of West African slaves living in the Caribbean, mostly in Nicaragua, Honduras and Belize. Palacio, their harbinger of culture, was not “just” the most beloved Belizean artist, but also a cultural ambassador and head of the National Institute of Culture and History. After his passing, he left behind the Garifuna Collective, the most important music ensemble of Belize.

Their critically acclaimed album Watina (Cumbancha) became one of the milestones of Caribbean music. It should therefore come as no surprise that UNESCO recognized the language, dance and music of the Garifuna people as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

The ensemble joins hundreds of years’ worth of Garifuna traditions, the Umalali women singers, and modern dance rhythms and fiery passion to bring you one of the best Afro-Caribbean parties that will have you jumping to your feet. Just the kind of party we love the most at Jazzlent!

Chela Torres, Lead Vocals and Percussion
Mohobub Flores, Lead Vocals and Turtle Shells
Sheldon Petillo, Lead Vocals
Rolando “Chichiman” Sosa, Vocals and Maracas
Tyrone Kelly Usher, Bass
Al Ovando, Rhythm Guitar
Sam Harris, Lead Guitar
Denmark Flores, Lead Garifuna Drum
Keenan Sabal, Segunda Garifuna Drum and Jankunu Dancer

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2vFUkBF
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: 15 €, for (Daily) Lenta holders 9 €

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Belau je svež elektronski duo, ki pričara obmorsko vzdušje!

Skupino StrojMachine sestavlja dvanajst tolkalcev, instrumentalistov in ustvarjalcev, ki skupaj že vrsto let, intenzivno raziskujejo meje glasbenih možnosti.


20.00 BELAU (HUN)

Belau je svež elektronski duo, ki pričara obmorsko vzdušje!

Prvi video madžarskega dua je prejel nagrado na Madžarskem festivalu Hungarian Music Video Festival. Njihovo prvo skladbo so uporabili pri mreži HBO za svojo novo serijo ter v oglasu, ki se je vrtel v kar 33 državah. Njihov prvi album je prejel madžarsko nagrado grammy v kategoriji za najboljši album elektronske glasbe. Ena od skladb Belau so vrteli tudi na BBC-jevem Radiu 1.

V dveh letih je duo nastopil na več kot 150 koncertih v 21 evropskih državah, med drugim tudi na velikih festivalih kot so Eurosonic, Reeperbahn, Sziget, Untold in SXSW ter decembra na razprodanem koncertu s klasičnimi glasbeniki v Londonu.


☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Vq2Q24


Skupino StrojMachine sestavlja dvanajst tolkalcev, instrumentalistov in ustvarjalcev, ki skupaj že vrsto let, intenzivno raziskujejo meje glasbenih možnosti.

Skupina se žanrsko ne omejuje, saj jih zanima vse od zvokov strojev, ulice, techna, rocka, industriala, tranca ... Rdeča nit vsakega njihovega izdelka je ustvarjati vznemirljivo glasbo, zadovoljiti lastne kriterije in to podeliti z občinstvom. Poleg tega ritem krepko ostaja, le da so z razvojem in izdelavo kompleksnejših instrumentov kot so Orgle, Harfa, Pozavna ipd. dosegli to, da so v njihov prostor brutalnega hrupa in zvoka vnesli melodije in harmonije, ki jim omogočajo nove glasbene dimenzije.

Dosledno se držijo filozofije DIY (ustvari sam), ki je zanje univerzalno orodje kreiranja instrumentov iz uporabnih ali odpadnih materialov, kjer tako izdelujejo ali reciklirajo že uporabljene materiale ali odpadke, ki to sploh niso, le služijo ne več svojemu namenu. Na ta način s pomočjo elektrifikacije in stisnjenega zraka ustvarjajo nove kompleksne ritme in harmonije. Lahko bi rekli, da je StrojMachine območje, znotraj katerega glasbeniki lažje in hitreje dosežejo svoje fascinacije, ki jih nato lahko delijo z drugimi umetniki doma in izven naših meja.

V letih ustvarjanja so StrojMachine prepotovali in navduševali občinstvo od Litve, Latvije, Estonije, Belgije, Nemčije, Italije, Hrvaške ter seveda doma.

Miha Markošek
Sonja Trupi
Anže Kristan
Miha Klančnik
Davorin Štorgelj
Jure Najdič
Bojan Varga
Anže Žibret
Grega Bajc
Luka Vižlar
Silvia Horvat
Jurij Šuhel

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2w0E5iN

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Vstopnine ni.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


20.00 BELAU (HUN)

Belau is a Hungarian fresh electronica duo with seaside mood.

Their first music video won the Hungarian Music Video Festival; it has more than 500.000 views. Belau's first song was used by HBO in its new series and in a commercial, played in 33 countries. Their debut album won the Hungarian Grammy Awards in the best electronic music album category. One of their track of the new remix EP was airplayed on BBC Radio 1.

In two years, Belau had more than 150 concerts in 21 countries around Europe. They played at the biggest festivals in the region, like Eurosonic, Reeperbahn, Sziget, Untold, SXSW, and had a sold out London show with classical musicians in December.


☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Vq2Q24


StrojMachine are a group of twelve percussionists, instrumentalists and creators with a long-standing tradition of intensively exploring the boundaries of musical possibilities.

The band do not limit themselves to any particular genre, as they are interested in anything and everything, be it the sound of machines, the streets, techno, rock, industrial, trance … Any creation of theirs has a common motif – create exciting music, satisfy own criteria and share the music with the audience. While their recognizable strong rhythms are always present, they recently developed and built a series of more complex instruments, such as the Organ, the Harp, and the Trombone, and spiced up their musical landscape that consists of brutal noise and sound by adding melody and harmony, which opened up brand new musical dimensions.

The band consistently stick to their DIY philosophy which they see as a universal tool to create instruments from usable or scrap materials. They produce or recycle pre-used materials or waste, which may not even be waste at all, but rather a piece that no longer serves its original purpose. By adding power and compressed air to their creations they are able to produce new and complex rhythms and harmonies. One could say that StrojMachine is a place that gives artists an easier and quicker path to fulfilling their fascinations, which they can then share with other artists, both local and international.

StrojMachine’s creative journey has led them to travel and enthuse audiences in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Croatia, and, last but not least, Slovenia.

Miha Markošek
Sonja Trupi
Anže Kristan
Miha Klančnik
Davorin Štorgelj
Jure Najdič
Bojan Varga
Anže Žibret
Grega Bajc
Luka Vižlar
Silvia Horvat
Jurij Šuhel

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2w0E5iN

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Admission free.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Pika tokrat postane raziskovalka in išče nenavadne predmete okoli vile Čira Čara.


Radovedna, nasmejana in zmeraj navihana Pika Nogavička se podaja na novo dogodivščino!

Pika tokrat postane raziskovalka in išče nenavadne predmete okoli vile Čira Čara. Ko so najdeni vsi predmeti v okolici, se kot prava raziskovalka odpravi z letalom na pot okoli sveta, da najde svojega očeta. Prepotuje vse celine sveta in med tem spoznava prebivalce Azije, Afrike in Amerike, ki jo navdušijo s svojo drugačnostjo, smislom za humor in glasbo.

Najde čisto vse, razen Evrazija Nogavičke - dokler se ne zgodi nenavaden preobrat …

Za otroke od 3 do 11 let. Trajanje: 35 minut.

Zavod Enostavno Prijatelji
Igrata: Senta Lavrič, Uroš Lavrič
Scenografija in kostumi: Mateja Jelen, Eva Rešek, Martin Lunder, Senta Lavrič, Nataša Hrabar

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Vstopnine ni.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/



The curious, smiling and always mischievous Pippi Longstocking is about to embark on a new adventure!

This time around, Pippi turns into an explorer looking for unusual items around her Villa Villekulla. After finding all there is to find in the neighbourhood, Pippi, in true explorer’s fashion, boards a plane that will take her all around the world on a quest to find her father. She travels from continent to continent, meeting the people of Asia, Africa and America, who enthral her with their diversity, sense of humour and music.

Pippi is able to find everyone but Ephraim Longstocking – until, at long last, an unusual twist occurs …

Suitable for children aged 3 through 11. Runtime: 35 minutes.

Institute Enostavno Prijatelji
Cast: Senta Lavrič, Uroš Lavrič
Stage and costume design: Mateja Jelen, Eva Rešek, Martin Lunder, Senta Lavrič, Nataša Hrabar

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Admission free.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Po 13-ih letih bomo v družbi njegovih največjih oboževalcev na Festivalu Lent ponovno pozdravili Gibonnija!


Ime, ki je v svetu glasbe sinonim za dovršeno kvaliteto in vrhunske glasbene dosežke! To dokazuje tudi z novim albumom Familija, ki ga je ustvaril skupaj z Oliverjem Dragojevićem.

Gibonni že skoraj dve desetletji uspešno združuje rock, pop in elemente dalmatinskega etna.

Doslej je za svoje ustvarjanje prejel kar 30 porinov, največjih hrvaških glasbenih priznanj, s svojo odličnostjo pa povsem upravičuje tudi izjemen podatek izpred nekaj let, ko je Los Angeles Times umetnika uvrstil med 15 najbolj obetajočih glasbenikov na svetu iz ne-angleško govorečega tržišča.

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Gw4BoS
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: 20 €, za imetnike (Dnevne) Lente 12 €

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


A name synonymous in the music world with perfected quality and top-level musical achievements! He again brought his A-game to his latest record Familija, an album he created together with Oliver Dragojević.

For nearly two decades, Gibonni has been successfully fusing rock, pop and Dalmatian ethno music elements.

For his career, he’s earned 30 top Croatian music awards, Porin, and his musical excellence is further supported by the recognition he earned a few years ago when the Los Angeles Times listed him among the top-15 most promising artists in the world in the non-English speaking market.

We’re glad we can once again welcome him to Festival Lent after 13 years, among his friends and biggest fans.

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Gw4BoS
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: 20 €, for (Daily) Lenta holders 12 €

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

SuRealistas so izvirne, avtorske, a kljub temu močno povezane s tradicijo Latinske Amerike in argentinskimi, karibskimi ter brazilskimi ritmi.

pipschips&videoclips so edinstveni pojav na hrvaški glasbeni sceni: so hkrati stilsko raznovrstni, tematsko provokativni in vizualno privlačni – pravi primer moderne pop zasedbe.



Družina SuRealistov je leta 2005 prispela v Italijo, kjer so trije sinovi odkrili svoje prave korenine, prostor, kamor zares spadajo. Izvirne kompozicije pišejo argentinski bratje Jeremiah, Joaquin in Agustin Cornej, danes pa skupino sestavlja že 8 članov / bratov, ki prihajajo iz Toskane in južne Italije.

Med »realizmom italijanskega juga« ter glasbenimi sanjami se glasbeniki sprehajajo skozi špansko tradicijo, neustavljive flamenko ritme, nostalgični tango in afro-kubanske ritme, jazz občutke ter »frenesie da bailanta«, ob tem pa ne pozabljajo lastnih idej o glasbi, ki jo sestavljajo ironija, živahnost in interakcija z občinstvom.

Pesmi skupine SuRealistas so izvirne, avtorske, a kljub temu močno povezane s tradicijo Latinske Amerike in argentinskimi, karibskimi ter brazilskimi ritmi. Močna kemija med glasbeniki, ki je nikakor ne gre spregledati, je plod mladostne brezskrbnosti in glasbenega talenta.

Ob številnih nastopih na koncertih po Italiji so v lanskem letu prejeli tudi nagrado projekta SIAE Silumina, ki je vključevala tudi 10 koncertnih nastopov na festivalih v Belgiji, Franciji, Švici, Nemčiji in na Nizozemskem.

Jeremías Cornejo, vokal, kitara, ukulele
Francesco Messina, vocal, tolkala
Agustín Cornejo, vocal, kitara
Mauro La Mancusa, trobenta
Joaquín Cornejo, alt saksofon, klavir
Gianni Valenti, tenor saksofon
Matteo Bonti, bas
Pietro Borsò, tolkala

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VSR6FB


Pips, Chips & Videoclips so edinstveni pojav na hrvaški glasbeni sceni: so hkrati stilsko raznovrstni, tematsko provokativni in vizualno privlačni – pravi primer moderne pop zasedbe. Na sceni so vse od začetka 90. let in imajo bogato diskografsko in koncertno zgodovino. Širok razpon vplivov niso nikdar prikrivali in prav ta značilnost – ob specifični poetiki Dubravka – je vse do danes ključnega pomena za prepoznavnost benda.

Doslej so posneli 8 albumov in še naprej redon snemajo ter izdajajo nove single. Najnovejši, Kung fu lekcije, nadaljuje niz, ki so ga začeli s singli Jacques Cousteau, 3PM, Tek da nas podsjeti in K1.

Dubravko Ivaniš, vokal
Ivan Božanić, kitara
Viktor Slamnig, bas
Pavle Gulić, bobni
Zdeslav Klarić, klaviature
Krunoslav Tomašinec, kitara, harmonika

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JChgtA

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Vstopnine ni.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/



SuRealistas’ family arrived in Italy in 2005 where the three sons discovered their real roots, a place where they really belong.

Originally composed by three Argentinian brothers Jeremiah, Joaquin and Agustin Cornejo, they are now eight components/brothers both from Tuscany and the South of Italy.

Between the “realism of the South” and music dreams, they travel across the Hispanic tradition, the unstoppable flamenco rhythm, nostalgic tangos, songwriters’ intimacy and Afro-Cuban rhythms, with jazz feelings and “frenesie da bailanta”, without forgetting their idea of music, made up of irony, exuberance, and interaction with the public.

Thanks to Jeremías and Joaquín's best writing skills, their songs are all original, although strongly linked to the Latin American tradition and Argentinian, Caribbean and Brazilian rhythms. Their chemistry is made up of young age unscrupulousness, a great writing ability, and a remarkable musical talent.

In 2018 they won a financial support from SIAE “Sillumina” project for an international tour with 10 dates in 5 different European countries: Trefpunt Festival / Gentse Feesten in Belgium, The Kultur Punkt and Afropfingsten Festival in Switzerland, Le K’fé Quoi, Le Black Sheep, Brin de Zinc and Le Guelard in France, De Nacht Van de Kaap Festival in Holland, MieVGeislingen an der Steige and Peissnitzhaus in Germany

In Italy they attended many festivals and venues including Slow Travel Fest, Finger Food Festival, Ex Wide, Musicastrada Festival, Etnica Vicchio, FLOG, Arno Vivo and Mandrea Festival.

Jeremías Cornejo, vocals guitar ukulele
Francesco Messina, vocals percussions
Agustín Cornejo, vocals guitar
Mauro La Mancusa, trumpet
Joaquín Cornejo, sax alto piano
Gianni Valenti, tenor sax
Matteo Bonti, bass
Pietro Borsò, percussions

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VSR6FB


Pips, Chips & Videoclips are a unique phenomenon on the Croatian music scene: they are stylistically diverse, thematically provocative and visually attractive – a truly exemplary modern pop band. They first burst onto the scene in the early 90’s and have a rich history of records and concerts. They never made any attempt at hiding the plethora of their musical influences, and it is this very characteristic – alongside Dubravko’s specific poetic capacity – that remains one of the key cornerstone of the band to this day.

So far, they released 8 albums and they continue recording and releasing new singles. Their latest, Kung fu lekcije, is the next in line of hits that include singles such as Jacques Cousteau, 3PM, Tek da nas podsjeti and K1.

Dubravko Ivaniš, vocals
Ivan Božanić, guitar
Viktor Slamnig, bass
Pavle Gulić, drums
Zdeslav Klarić, keyboards
Krunoslav Tomašinec, guitar, accordion

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JChgtA

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Admission free.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

SuRealistas so izvirne, avtorske, a kljub temu močno povezane s tradicijo Latinske Amerike in argentinskimi, karibskimi ter brazilskimi ritmi.

pipschips&videoclips so edinstveni pojav na hrvaški glasbeni sceni: so hkrati stilsko raznovrstni, tematsko provokativni in vizualno privlačni – pravi primer moderne pop zasedbe.



Družina SuRealistov je leta 2005 prispela v Italijo, kjer so trije sinovi odkrili svoje prave korenine, prostor, kamor zares spadajo. Izvirne kompozicije pišejo argentinski bratje Jeremiah, Joaquin in Agustin Cornej, danes pa skupino sestavlja že 8 članov / bratov, ki prihajajo iz Toskane in južne Italije.

Med »realizmom italijanskega juga« ter glasbenimi sanjami se glasbeniki sprehajajo skozi špansko tradicijo, neustavljive flamenko ritme, nostalgični tango in afro-kubanske ritme, jazz občutke ter »frenesie da bailanta«, ob tem pa ne pozabljajo lastnih idej o glasbi, ki jo sestavljajo ironija, živahnost in interakcija z občinstvom.

Pesmi skupine SuRealistas so izvirne, avtorske, a kljub temu močno povezane s tradicijo Latinske Amerike in argentinskimi, karibskimi ter brazilskimi ritmi. Močna kemija med glasbeniki, ki je nikakor ne gre spregledati, je plod mladostne brezskrbnosti in glasbenega talenta.

Ob številnih nastopih na koncertih po Italiji so v lanskem letu prejeli tudi nagrado projekta SIAE Silumina, ki je vključevala tudi 10 koncertnih nastopov na festivalih v Belgiji, Franciji, Švici, Nemčiji in na Nizozemskem.

Jeremías Cornejo, vokal, kitara, ukulele
Francesco Messina, vocal, tolkala
Agustín Cornejo, vocal, kitara
Mauro La Mancusa, trobenta
Joaquín Cornejo, alt saksofon, klavir
Gianni Valenti, tenor saksofon
Matteo Bonti, bas
Pietro Borsò, tolkala

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VSR6FB


Pips, Chips & Videoclips so edinstveni pojav na hrvaški glasbeni sceni: so hkrati stilsko raznovrstni, tematsko provokativni in vizualno privlačni – pravi primer moderne pop zasedbe. Na sceni so vse od začetka 90. let in imajo bogato diskografsko in koncertno zgodovino. Širok razpon vplivov niso nikdar prikrivali in prav ta značilnost – ob specifični poetiki Dubravka – je vse do danes ključnega pomena za prepoznavnost benda.

Doslej so posneli 8 albumov in še naprej redon snemajo ter izdajajo nove single. Najnovejši, Kung fu lekcije, nadaljuje niz, ki so ga začeli s singli Jacques Cousteau, 3PM, Tek da nas podsjeti in K1.

Dubravko Ivaniš, vokal
Ivan Božanić, kitara
Viktor Slamnig, bas
Pavle Gulić, bobni
Zdeslav Klarić, klaviature
Krunoslav Tomašinec, kitara, harmonika

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JChgtA

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Vstopnine ni.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/



SuRealistas’ family arrived in Italy in 2005 where the three sons discovered their real roots, a place where they really belong.

Originally composed by three Argentinian brothers Jeremiah, Joaquin and Agustin Cornejo, they are now eight components/brothers both from Tuscany and the South of Italy.

Between the “realism of the South” and music dreams, they travel across the Hispanic tradition, the unstoppable flamenco rhythm, nostalgic tangos, songwriters’ intimacy and Afro-Cuban rhythms, with jazz feelings and “frenesie da bailanta”, without forgetting their idea of music, made up of irony, exuberance, and interaction with the public.

Thanks to Jeremías and Joaquín's best writing skills, their songs are all original, although strongly linked to the Latin American tradition and Argentinian, Caribbean and Brazilian rhythms. Their chemistry is made up of young age unscrupulousness, a great writing ability, and a remarkable musical talent.

In 2018 they won a financial support from SIAE “Sillumina” project for an international tour with 10 dates in 5 different European countries: Trefpunt Festival / Gentse Feesten in Belgium, The Kultur Punkt and Afropfingsten Festival in Switzerland, Le K’fé Quoi, Le Black Sheep, Brin de Zinc and Le Guelard in France, De Nacht Van de Kaap Festival in Holland, MieVGeislingen an der Steige and Peissnitzhaus in Germany

In Italy they attended many festivals and venues including Slow Travel Fest, Finger Food Festival, Ex Wide, Musicastrada Festival, Etnica Vicchio, FLOG, Arno Vivo and Mandrea Festival.

Jeremías Cornejo, vocals guitar ukulele
Francesco Messina, vocals percussions
Agustín Cornejo, vocals guitar
Mauro La Mancusa, trumpet
Joaquín Cornejo, sax alto piano
Gianni Valenti, tenor sax
Matteo Bonti, bass
Pietro Borsò, percussions

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VSR6FB


Pips, Chips & Videoclips are a unique phenomenon on the Croatian music scene: they are stylistically diverse, thematically provocative and visually attractive – a truly exemplary modern pop band. They first burst onto the scene in the early 90’s and have a rich history of records and concerts. They never made any attempt at hiding the plethora of their musical influences, and it is this very characteristic – alongside Dubravko’s specific poetic capacity – that remains one of the key cornerstone of the band to this day.

So far, they released 8 albums and they continue recording and releasing new singles. Their latest, Kung fu lekcije, is the next in line of hits that include singles such as Jacques Cousteau, 3PM, Tek da nas podsjeti and K1.

Dubravko Ivaniš, vocals
Ivan Božanić, guitar
Viktor Slamnig, bass
Pavle Gulić, drums
Zdeslav Klarić, keyboards
Krunoslav Tomašinec, guitar, accordion

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JChgtA

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Admission free.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


Festival Lent 9 Ulica kneza Koclja Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Vsak koncert Urban & 4 ima svojo posebno zgodbo in ena najbolj posebnih se bo zgodila tudi na Festivalu Lent 2019!


Urbanov vokal in njegova pojava sta poznana po celotnem Balkanu in tudi širše, njegovo zastrupljajočo energijo na odru pa dopolnjujejo štiri sijajni glasbeniki: kitarist Luka Toman, basist Sandi Bratonja, bobnar Marco Bradaschia ter Saša Markovski na klaviaturah.

Damir Urban je glasbenik in umetnik, ki se prvenstveno izraža skozi glasbo, pa tudi skozi igro in slikanje. Od 1996 nastopa kot Urban&4. Njegova glasba in karizma privlačita poslušalce povsem različnih profilov, koncerti Urbana in četverice so »umetnost v malem«, vestno razgrajenih detajlov in skrbno izbranih glasbenih sodelavcev. Z vsakim koncertom potrjujejo svojo povezanost s publiko, izvedbam pesmi pa se popolnoma predajo in vidno uživajo v nastopu.

Dobro znane hite kot so Odlučio sam da te volim, Spelujem ti ispriku, Kundera, Mjesto za mene, Mala truba, Astronaut publika glasno prepeva z bendom, koncerti pa se redno zaključujejo z ovacijami. S pesmima Dirigent in Kuća sjećanja je Urban najavil delo na novem albumu, paralelno z urami v studiu pa se je skupina posvetila nastopom v živo.

Damir Urban, vokal
Luka Toman, kitara
Sandi Bratonja, bas
Marco Bradaschia, bobni
Saša Markovski, klaviature

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JL9Cgz
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €)

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


Urban’s voice and appearance are well-known across the entire Balkans and beyond while his enchanting on-stage energy is perfectly complemented by four excellent musicians: guitar player Luka Toman, bass player Sandi Bratonja, drummer Marco Bradaschia, and Saša Markovski on keys.

Damir Urban is a musician an all-round artist, whose primary means of expression is music, but he does not shy away from acting or painting. His music and charisma attract audiences from different spectres and the concerts of Urban and his fearless foursome are like the whole world of art were crammed into a single concert performance, featuring diligently analysed details and carefully selected music associates. They deepen their connection with the audience at every gig they play, fully devote themselves to performing their songs, and clearly enjoy what they do.

The crowds and the band sing hit pieces like Odlučio sam da te volim, Spelujem ti ispriku, Kundera, Mjesto za mene, Mala truba, or Astronaut in unison, and it is quite common for their shows to end with standing ovations. Urban announced his return to the studio with new singles Dirigent and Kuća sjećanja and the band, aside from allocating many hours of their daily lives to studio recording sessions, have embarked on an extensive live-on-stage rampage.

Damir Urban, vocals
Luka Toman, guitar
Sandi Bratonja, bass
Marco Bradaschia, drums
Saša Markovski, keyboards

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JL9Cgz
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €)

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/