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26. junija, 2019 21:30 - 23:00

Vsak koncert Urban & 4 ima svojo posebno zgodbo in ena najbolj posebnih se bo zgodila tudi na Festivalu Lent 2019!


Urbanov vokal in njegova pojava sta poznana po celotnem Balkanu in tudi širše, njegovo zastrupljajočo energijo na odru pa dopolnjujejo štiri sijajni glasbeniki: kitarist Luka Toman, basist Sandi Bratonja, bobnar Marco Bradaschia ter Saša Markovski na klaviaturah.

Damir Urban je glasbenik in umetnik, ki se prvenstveno izraža skozi glasbo, pa tudi skozi igro in slikanje. Od 1996 nastopa kot Urban&4. Njegova glasba in karizma privlačita poslušalce povsem različnih profilov, koncerti Urbana in četverice so »umetnost v malem«, vestno razgrajenih detajlov in skrbno izbranih glasbenih sodelavcev. Z vsakim koncertom potrjujejo svojo povezanost s publiko, izvedbam pesmi pa se popolnoma predajo in vidno uživajo v nastopu.

Dobro znane hite kot so Odlučio sam da te volim, Spelujem ti ispriku, Kundera, Mjesto za mene, Mala truba, Astronaut publika glasno prepeva z bendom, koncerti pa se redno zaključujejo z ovacijami. S pesmima Dirigent in Kuća sjećanja je Urban najavil delo na novem albumu, paralelno z urami v studiu pa se je skupina posvetila nastopom v živo.

Damir Urban, vokal
Luka Toman, kitara
Sandi Bratonja, bas
Marco Bradaschia, bobni
Saša Markovski, klaviature

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JL9Cgz
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €)

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


Urban’s voice and appearance are well-known across the entire Balkans and beyond while his enchanting on-stage energy is perfectly complemented by four excellent musicians: guitar player Luka Toman, bass player Sandi Bratonja, drummer Marco Bradaschia, and Saša Markovski on keys.

Damir Urban is a musician an all-round artist, whose primary means of expression is music, but he does not shy away from acting or painting. His music and charisma attract audiences from different spectres and the concerts of Urban and his fearless foursome are like the whole world of art were crammed into a single concert performance, featuring diligently analysed details and carefully selected music associates. They deepen their connection with the audience at every gig they play, fully devote themselves to performing their songs, and clearly enjoy what they do.

The crowds and the band sing hit pieces like Odlučio sam da te volim, Spelujem ti ispriku, Kundera, Mjesto za mene, Mala truba, or Astronaut in unison, and it is quite common for their shows to end with standing ovations. Urban announced his return to the studio with new singles Dirigent and Kuća sjećanja and the band, aside from allocating many hours of their daily lives to studio recording sessions, have embarked on an extensive live-on-stage rampage.

Damir Urban, vocals
Luka Toman, guitar
Sandi Bratonja, bass
Marco Bradaschia, drums
Saša Markovski, keyboards

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JL9Cgz
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €)

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


26. junija, 2019
21:30 - 23:00

Vsak koncert Urban & 4 ima svojo posebno zgodbo in ena najbolj posebnih se bo zgodila tudi na Festivalu Lent 2019!


Urbanov vokal in njegova pojava sta poznana po celotnem Balkanu in tudi širše, njegovo zastrupljajočo energijo na odru pa dopolnjujejo štiri sijajni glasbeniki: kitarist Luka Toman, basist Sandi Bratonja, bobnar Marco Bradaschia ter Saša Markovski na klaviaturah.

Damir Urban je glasbenik in umetnik, ki se prvenstveno izraža skozi glasbo, pa tudi skozi igro in slikanje. Od 1996 nastopa kot Urban&4. Njegova glasba in karizma privlačita poslušalce povsem različnih profilov, koncerti Urbana in četverice so »umetnost v malem«, vestno razgrajenih detajlov in skrbno izbranih glasbenih sodelavcev. Z vsakim koncertom potrjujejo svojo povezanost s publiko, izvedbam pesmi pa se popolnoma predajo in vidno uživajo v nastopu.

Dobro znane hite kot so Odlučio sam da te volim, Spelujem ti ispriku, Kundera, Mjesto za mene, Mala truba, Astronaut publika glasno prepeva z bendom, koncerti pa se redno zaključujejo z ovacijami. S pesmima Dirigent in Kuća sjećanja je Urban najavil delo na novem albumu, paralelno z urami v studiu pa se je skupina posvetila nastopom v živo.

Damir Urban, vokal
Luka Toman, kitara
Sandi Bratonja, bas
Marco Bradaschia, bobni
Saša Markovski, klaviature

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JL9Cgz
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €)

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


Urban’s voice and appearance are well-known across the entire Balkans and beyond while his enchanting on-stage energy is perfectly complemented by four excellent musicians: guitar player Luka Toman, bass player Sandi Bratonja, drummer Marco Bradaschia, and Saša Markovski on keys.

Damir Urban is a musician an all-round artist, whose primary means of expression is music, but he does not shy away from acting or painting. His music and charisma attract audiences from different spectres and the concerts of Urban and his fearless foursome are like the whole world of art were crammed into a single concert performance, featuring diligently analysed details and carefully selected music associates. They deepen their connection with the audience at every gig they play, fully devote themselves to performing their songs, and clearly enjoy what they do.

The crowds and the band sing hit pieces like Odlučio sam da te volim, Spelujem ti ispriku, Kundera, Mjesto za mene, Mala truba, or Astronaut in unison, and it is quite common for their shows to end with standing ovations. Urban announced his return to the studio with new singles Dirigent and Kuća sjećanja and the band, aside from allocating many hours of their daily lives to studio recording sessions, have embarked on an extensive live-on-stage rampage.

Damir Urban, vocals
Luka Toman, guitar
Sandi Bratonja, bass
Marco Bradaschia, drums
Saša Markovski, keyboards

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JL9Cgz
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €)

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


26. junija, 2019
21:30 - 23:00