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28. junija, 2019 20:00 - 23:30

Belau je svež elektronski duo, ki pričara obmorsko vzdušje!
Skupino StrojMachine sestavlja dvanajst tolkalcev, instrumentalistov in ustvarjalcev, ki skupaj že vrsto let, intenzivno raziskujejo meje glasbenih možnosti.
20.00 BELAU (HUN)
Belau je svež elektronski duo, ki pričara obmorsko vzdušje!
Prvi video madžarskega dua je prejel nagrado na Madžarskem festivalu Hungarian Music Video Festival. Njihovo prvo skladbo so uporabili pri mreži HBO za svojo novo serijo ter v oglasu, ki se je vrtel v kar 33 državah. Njihov prvi album je prejel madžarsko nagrado grammy v kategoriji za najboljši album elektronske glasbe. Ena od skladb Belau so vrteli tudi na BBC-jevem Radiu 1.
V dveh letih je duo nastopil na več kot 150 koncertih v 21 evropskih državah, med drugim tudi na velikih festivalih kot so Eurosonic, Reeperbahn, Sziget, Untold in SXSW ter decembra na razprodanem koncertu s klasičnimi glasbeniki v Londonu.
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Vq2Q24
Skupino StrojMachine sestavlja dvanajst tolkalcev, instrumentalistov in ustvarjalcev, ki skupaj že vrsto let, intenzivno raziskujejo meje glasbenih možnosti.
Skupina se žanrsko ne omejuje, saj jih zanima vse od zvokov strojev, ulice, techna, rocka, industriala, tranca … Rdeča nit vsakega njihovega izdelka je ustvarjati vznemirljivo glasbo, zadovoljiti lastne kriterije in to podeliti z občinstvom. Poleg tega ritem krepko ostaja, le da so z razvojem in izdelavo kompleksnejših instrumentov kot so Orgle, Harfa, Pozavna ipd. dosegli to, da so v njihov prostor brutalnega hrupa in zvoka vnesli melodije in harmonije, ki jim omogočajo nove glasbene dimenzije.
Dosledno se držijo filozofije DIY (ustvari sam), ki je zanje univerzalno orodje kreiranja instrumentov iz uporabnih ali odpadnih materialov, kjer tako izdelujejo ali reciklirajo že uporabljene materiale ali odpadke, ki to sploh niso, le služijo ne več svojemu namenu. Na ta način s pomočjo elektrifikacije in stisnjenega zraka ustvarjajo nove kompleksne ritme in harmonije. Lahko bi rekli, da je StrojMachine območje, znotraj katerega glasbeniki lažje in hitreje dosežejo svoje fascinacije, ki jih nato lahko delijo z drugimi umetniki doma in izven naših meja.
V letih ustvarjanja so StrojMachine prepotovali in navduševali občinstvo od Litve, Latvije, Estonije, Belgije, Nemčije, Italije, Hrvaške ter seveda doma.
Miha Markošek
Sonja Trupi
Anže Kristan
Miha Klančnik
Davorin Štorgelj
Jure Najdič
Bojan Varga
Anže Žibret
Grega Bajc
Luka Vižlar
Silvia Horvat
Jurij Šuhel
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2w0E5iN
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ Vstopnine ni.
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
20.00 BELAU (HUN)
Belau is a Hungarian fresh electronica duo with seaside mood.
Their first music video won the Hungarian Music Video Festival; it has more than 500.000 views. Belau’s first song was used by HBO in its new series and in a commercial, played in 33 countries. Their debut album won the Hungarian Grammy Awards in the best electronic music album category. One of their track of the new remix EP was airplayed on BBC Radio 1.
In two years, Belau had more than 150 concerts in 21 countries around Europe. They played at the biggest festivals in the region, like Eurosonic, Reeperbahn, Sziget, Untold, SXSW, and had a sold out London show with classical musicians in December.
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Vq2Q24
StrojMachine are a group of twelve percussionists, instrumentalists and creators with a long-standing tradition of intensively exploring the boundaries of musical possibilities.
The band do not limit themselves to any particular genre, as they are interested in anything and everything, be it the sound of machines, the streets, techno, rock, industrial, trance … Any creation of theirs has a common motif – create exciting music, satisfy own criteria and share the music with the audience. While their recognizable strong rhythms are always present, they recently developed and built a series of more complex instruments, such as the Organ, the Harp, and the Trombone, and spiced up their musical landscape that consists of brutal noise and sound by adding melody and harmony, which opened up brand new musical dimensions.
The band consistently stick to their DIY philosophy which they see as a universal tool to create instruments from usable or scrap materials. They produce or recycle pre-used materials or waste, which may not even be waste at all, but rather a piece that no longer serves its original purpose. By adding power and compressed air to their creations they are able to produce new and complex rhythms and harmonies. One could say that StrojMachine is a place that gives artists an easier and quicker path to fulfilling their fascinations, which they can then share with other artists, both local and international.
StrojMachine’s creative journey has led them to travel and enthuse audiences in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Croatia, and, last but not least, Slovenia.
Miha Markošek
Sonja Trupi
Anže Kristan
Miha Klančnik
Davorin Štorgelj
Jure Najdič
Bojan Varga
Anže Žibret
Grega Bajc
Luka Vižlar
Silvia Horvat
Jurij Šuhel
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2w0E5iN
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ Admission free.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/