- Ta dogodek je minil.
26. junija, 2019 20:00 - 23:30

Stari Pês predrugačijo zasedbo in utemeljijo lasten, žanrsko fleksibilen »pasji stil«, ki se na odru dopolnjuje s trenutnimi navdihi posameznikov.
The Jason Cale Band (Jason Cale Music) so razvili svojstven stil, ki je mešanica sodobnega bluesa, rocka in neworleanškega funka.
Eden bolj udarnih in samosvojih mariborskih kolektivov, čigar korenine segajo v leto 2001, ko je del skupine nastopal v ljubljanski impro zasedbi Sunday Morning. Deset let kasneje pod imenom Stari Pes predrugačijo zasedbo in utemeljijo lasten, žanrsko fleksibilen »pasji stil«, ki se na odru dopolnjuje s trenutnimi navdihi posameznikov.
»Malo perverznega, da vzburi, malo agresivnega, da udari. Nežni hipnotični ritmi, osredotočeni, da znorijo. Kitara, bas, bobni, klaviatura, djembe in raskav vokal brez povodca.« (Off The Leash, 2015)
Jernej Šorli, bobni
Mario Pevec – Mišo, bas
Martin Mravlje, kitara
Andrej Gubenšek, kitara
Aleš Tonaj, tolkala
Matic Jereb – Ozzy, vokal, klaviatura
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JpelFx
Koncert, ki bo postregel z izjemno mešanico bluesa, rocka in funka!
The Jason Cale Band so razvili svojstven stil, ki je mešanica sodobnega bluesa, rocka in neworleanškega funka. Jason ima blues glasbo praktično že v krvi, saj je njegovo življenje že od otroštva dalje prežeto s kulturo ameriškega globokega juga, vključno z New Orleansom.
Kot del jazz zasedbe Zračnih sil ZDA je zadnjih 20 let izpopolnjeval svoje glasbeno znanje na turnejah po Združenih državah Amerike, po Evropi in Afriki. Sodeloval je z mnogimi priznanimi glasbeniki kot so Joe Bonamassa, Grace Potter, Sandra Bernhard, John Popper (Blues Traveler) in nastopil v oddaji »Late Night Show with Conan O’Brien«.
Jason Cale, glas, kitare
Donnell Smith, bas
Randy Hagin, bobni
Jeffrey Saunders, saksofon
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2EoJkxl
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ Vstopnine ni.
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
One of the most striking and unique bands hailing from Maribor, whose roots date back to 2011 when some of the band members were part of the improv group Sunday Morning from Ljubljana. Fast-forward ten years and the fellas, now appearing as Stari Pes, gave the band a new look and defined their own “dog style” that goes beyond any genre-based limitations and is fuelled by the spur-of-the-moment whims of the individuals who appear together on stage.
“A dab of perversion to get you going, a tad of power to carry you on. Gentle, hypnotic rhythms, built up and driven to ecstasy. Guitar, bass, drums, djembe and a raspy voice, unleashed and muzzle-free.” (Off The Leash, 2015)
Jernej Šorli, drums
Mario Pevec – Mišo, bass
Martin Mravlje, guitar
Andrej Gubenšek, guitar
Aleš Tonaj, percussion
Matic Jereb – Ozzy, vocals, keyboards
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JpelFx
A concert with a fun and unique mixture of blues, rock and funk!
The Jason Cale Band will perform their own style of contemporary blues-rock fusion with a healthy dose of New Orleans funk. Jason has blues running through his veins dating back to a childhood spent soaking up the culture of the deep South of the United States, including New Orleans.
He spent the last 20 years touring the United States, Europe, and Africa with the U.S. Air Force Band and has performed alongside and with major artists such as Joe Bonamassa, Grace Potter, Sandra Bernhard, John Popper (Blues Traveler), and on the Late Night Show with Conan O’Brien to name a few.
Jason Cale, Vocals, guitar
Donnell Smith, Bass
Randy Hagin, Drums
Jeffrey Saunders, saxophone
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2EoJkxl
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ Admission free.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/

Stari Pês predrugačijo zasedbo in utemeljijo lasten, žanrsko fleksibilen »pasji stil«, ki se na odru dopolnjuje s trenutnimi navdihi posameznikov.
The Jason Cale Band (Jason Cale Music) so razvili svojstven stil, ki je mešanica sodobnega bluesa, rocka in neworleanškega funka.
Eden bolj udarnih in samosvojih mariborskih kolektivov, čigar korenine segajo v leto 2001, ko je del skupine nastopal v ljubljanski impro zasedbi Sunday Morning. Deset let kasneje pod imenom Stari Pes predrugačijo zasedbo in utemeljijo lasten, žanrsko fleksibilen »pasji stil«, ki se na odru dopolnjuje s trenutnimi navdihi posameznikov.
»Malo perverznega, da vzburi, malo agresivnega, da udari. Nežni hipnotični ritmi, osredotočeni, da znorijo. Kitara, bas, bobni, klaviatura, djembe in raskav vokal brez povodca.« (Off The Leash, 2015)
Jernej Šorli, bobni
Mario Pevec – Mišo, bas
Martin Mravlje, kitara
Andrej Gubenšek, kitara
Aleš Tonaj, tolkala
Matic Jereb – Ozzy, vokal, klaviatura
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JpelFx
Koncert, ki bo postregel z izjemno mešanico bluesa, rocka in funka!
The Jason Cale Band so razvili svojstven stil, ki je mešanica sodobnega bluesa, rocka in neworleanškega funka. Jason ima blues glasbo praktično že v krvi, saj je njegovo življenje že od otroštva dalje prežeto s kulturo ameriškega globokega juga, vključno z New Orleansom.
Kot del jazz zasedbe Zračnih sil ZDA je zadnjih 20 let izpopolnjeval svoje glasbeno znanje na turnejah po Združenih državah Amerike, po Evropi in Afriki. Sodeloval je z mnogimi priznanimi glasbeniki kot so Joe Bonamassa, Grace Potter, Sandra Bernhard, John Popper (Blues Traveler) in nastopil v oddaji »Late Night Show with Conan O’Brien«.
Jason Cale, glas, kitare
Donnell Smith, bas
Randy Hagin, bobni
Jeffrey Saunders, saksofon
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2EoJkxl
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ Vstopnine ni.
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
One of the most striking and unique bands hailing from Maribor, whose roots date back to 2011 when some of the band members were part of the improv group Sunday Morning from Ljubljana. Fast-forward ten years and the fellas, now appearing as Stari Pes, gave the band a new look and defined their own “dog style” that goes beyond any genre-based limitations and is fuelled by the spur-of-the-moment whims of the individuals who appear together on stage.
“A dab of perversion to get you going, a tad of power to carry you on. Gentle, hypnotic rhythms, built up and driven to ecstasy. Guitar, bass, drums, djembe and a raspy voice, unleashed and muzzle-free.” (Off The Leash, 2015)
Jernej Šorli, drums
Mario Pevec – Mišo, bass
Martin Mravlje, guitar
Andrej Gubenšek, guitar
Aleš Tonaj, percussion
Matic Jereb – Ozzy, vocals, keyboards
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2JpelFx
A concert with a fun and unique mixture of blues, rock and funk!
The Jason Cale Band will perform their own style of contemporary blues-rock fusion with a healthy dose of New Orleans funk. Jason has blues running through his veins dating back to a childhood spent soaking up the culture of the deep South of the United States, including New Orleans.
He spent the last 20 years touring the United States, Europe, and Africa with the U.S. Air Force Band and has performed alongside and with major artists such as Joe Bonamassa, Grace Potter, Sandra Bernhard, John Popper (Blues Traveler), and on the Late Night Show with Conan O’Brien to name a few.
Jason Cale, Vocals, guitar
Donnell Smith, Bass
Randy Hagin, Drums
Jeffrey Saunders, saxophone
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2EoJkxl
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ Admission free.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/