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7. junija, 2019 22:00 - 8. junija, 2019 05:00

S04E06 – 4th Anniversary with KLAX (Critical Music, Shogun Audio) and Boey Audio Showcase
Znanost je problem izvora magnetnega polja postavila med najpomembnejša neodgovorjena vprašanja fizike prve polovice 20. stoletja. Čeprav sam izvor magnetnega polja še vedno ni povsem pojasnjen, pa nedvomno velja, da kot pri vsakem magnetnem polju, tudi tu služijo kot izvir magnetnega polja permanentni tokovi nekje v notranjosti vesolja. Dodaten korak k razumevanju elektomagnetizma je napravila kvantna elektrodinamika. Nosilci interakcije so virtualni fotoni, kvanti elektromagnetnega polja.
Znanost se je dolgo časa ukvarjala z problemom elektromagnetnih premikov, obratov in menjav a se je celotni ideji pri izračunih tega fenomena zalomilo ob Michelsonovem poskusu z interferometrom leta 1952 v Cernu. Tajni poskus se še danes hrani pod oznako :Critical.
// KLAX (Critical Music, Shogun Audio)
// CHARLI BRIX (Critical Music, Flexout Audio)
// ALTEX (Boey Audio, Tesseract Recordings)
// MEDIKA (Critical Music, Boey Audio)
// THEEJAY (Boey Audio, Tesseract Recordings)
// USELESS D.I. (Boey Audio, 2/57 Recordings)
// TAC (LGM, Hedonistic Creativity, Mladinin oder)
Prispevek: 10 EUR
Klax emerged from the thriving Brighton drum and bass scene in 2014. The trio quickly gained prominence with a debut DnB release on Renegade Hardware called Vendetta. This forward thinking track caught the ears of several taste-makers in the scene, including Foreign Concept who enlisted them for a collab on his next EP on Critical Music. The fruit of this joint effort, Ask Yourself, quickly garnered huge support and was much applauded for its musicality and boundary pushing sentiment. Following this, the trio delivered a three tracker for Criticals digital offshoot Binary, the lead track of which shot to the top 3 in Beatports DnB charts.
Spurred on by this success Klax got in the studio and turned out another EP, this time for Critical:Systems; earning a vinyl release and gaining support from the furthest reaches of the DnB world including early support from Sub Focus and Friction.
Aside from their genre bending remixes of Culprate and EmperorDNB, 2017 has seen the guys first release on Critical Music proper with the ‘Rekanize’ EP, a diverse 5 tracker that runs the full gamut of DnB. From the sublime liquid of ‘The Sway’, footwork meets jungle of ‘Risk It’ through gritty halftime stepper ‘Rekanize’, and neuro-rave in ‘Fluoro Riddim’, the trio have really made a compelling statement of intent.