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Iva Ferlinc: Prehajanja / Transitions

17. marca, 2023 - 5. maja, 2023

Naša telesa niso nikoli izolirana od okolij in z njimi nenehno gradijo razmerja. Skupni imenovalec razstave je fluiden odnos, ki se vzpostavlja med telesom, prostorom in objektom in ki pri vsakem posameznem umetniškem delu izhaja iz specifično lastne dinamike. Edina zanesljiva konstanta v prostoru in času je sprememba, in če je ta zunaj galerije, v »resničnem« svetu, vir subjektove negotovosti in nelagodja, pa pričujoča dela od gledalca nevsiljivo pričakujejo, da (dobesedno) zavzame svoj zorni kot in ga vabijo k raziskovanju lastnih mentalnih in telesnih odzivov ter estetskega doživljanja razstavljenih del.

Our bodies are never isolated from their environments and are constantly building relationships with them. The common denominator of the exhibition is the fluid relationship that is established between body, space and object, which in each individual work of art, stems from its own specific dynamics. The only reliable constant in space and time is change, and if outside the gallery, in the “real” world, this is the source of the subject’s uncertainty and discomfort, the presented works unobtrusively expect the viewer to (literally) take their own point of view, inviting them to explore their own mental and physical responses and the aesthetic experience of the exhibited works.

Anja Seničar

O umetnici / About artist

Iva Ferlinc (1997), je vizualna umetnica mlajše generacije. Trenutno je absolventka na Akademiji za vizualne umetnosti AVA v Ljubljani. V svoji umetniški praksi deluje predvsem na področju intermedijske in instalacijske umetnosti. V svojih delih se večinoma ukvarja s konceptom ustvarjanja prostora in z manipulacijo svetlobe ter senc. Razstava Prehajanja / Transition je njena prva samostojna predstavitev.

Iva Ferlinc (1997) is a visual artist of the younger generation. She is currently a graduate student at The Academy of Visual Arts AVA in Ljubljana. In her artistic practice she mainly focuses on the fields of intermedia and installation art. In her works she primarily deals with the concept of creating space, as well as with manipulation of light and shadow. Exhibition Prehajanja / Transition is her first solo presentation.


17. marca, 2023
5. maja, 2023
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Galerija Tkalka


Galerija Tkalka