Festival Lent/Wetrinsky 30 Vetrinjska ulica Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia
- Dogodki
- Prizorišča
- Festival Lent/Wetrinsky 30 Vetrinjska ulica Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia
Festival Lent/Wetrinsky 30 Vetrinjska ulica Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 SloveniaPrve dni Festival Lent 2019 je najbolj vzdržljivim nočnim pticam namenjen Wetrinsky v Vetrinjskem dvoru, v drugi polovici festivala pa se lentovske noči iztečejo ob DJ ritmih na Minoritih.
Prva letošnja after-festivalska noč bo tokrat začinjena z izpiljenim okusom funka!
Davor Vrdoljak aka DJ Venom je brez dvoma najbolj izpiljen v obvladovanju gramofonov na Hrvaškem, nepogrešljiv člen vse-hrvaškega funk kolektiva Hrvatska Funk Delegacija, organizator številnih plesnih dogodkov, ustanovitelj in mentor DJ radionice ter v prostem času velik ljubitelj in mojster kuhanja golaža.
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €) / After+Mladinin oder (5 €)
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
In the first few nights of Festival Lent 2019, the most durable night birds can take refuge in the Wetrinsky club in the Vetrinj Mansion, while the Lent nights in the second half of the festival will migrate to follow the DJs at the Minoriti venue.
The after-party to the first night of this year’s festival will be sprinkled with the delicate taste of funk!
Davor Vrdoljak aka DJ Venom is certainly the greatest master of turntables in all of Croatia, an indispensable member of the pan-Croatian funk collective Hrvatska Funk Delegacija, organizer of numerous dance events, founder and mentor of DJ radionica, and a great connoisseur and chef of goulash in his spare time.
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €) / After+Mladina stage ticket (5 €)
Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/