Studio Glas Podzemlja Glavni trg Maribor, Upravna enota Maribor, 2000 Slovenia

Ta torek ponovno odpiramo vrata v novi sezoni LIVE Sesionov. Hammond smo prestavli, prebarvali stene in povabli The Jam ekipo za after. Vklopi ali FM Radio MARŠ 95,9MHz. LIVE 21:00 - NIKA PROJECT:

The music from Nika Project comes right out of the heart of the singer and composer Veronika Griesslehner. During her Jazz-studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, where she also met her collegues: Fabian Supancic (piano), Thomas Wilding (bass) and Roland Hanslmeier (drums), she started to write her own compositions and lyrics.

With significant melodies and their distinct musical language, the band demands attention. Along with poetic lyrics the music assured to remain with the audience.

2017 the band released their Debut Album, for which they received the 40th Downbeat Student Music Award in the category „Outstanding Studio Recording“.

„Solid as a debut should be, it shows a developing voice with charm and promise“ - All About Jazz, September 2017

„Very playful, yet with a lot of wisdom, vision and artistry. Griesslehner belongs to the most notable international talents of her generation“ - UK Vibe, December 2017