Maribor intermedia platform (MIP), upgrade of the joined Maribor Youth Centers International computer Arts Festival (MFRU) and Kiblas open source festival Kiblix, has launched it’s first podcast on computer art with the help of Guest Room Maribor. With the German computer artist Martin Reiche ( Miha Horvat and Žiga Brdnik were discussing media art, engaged art, festivals, software, technology, hacking and society. In english.

Mariborska intermedijska platforma (MIP), nadgradnja povezave MKC-jevega mednarodnega festivala računalniških umetnosti (MFRU) in Kiblinega festivala za odprto kodo (KIBLIX) je ob pomoči Guestrooma Maribor splavila svoj prvi podcast o intermedijski umetnosti. Z nemškim medijskim umetnikom Martinom Reichejem ( sta o medijski umetnosti, angažirani umetnosti, festivalih, programski opremi, tehnologiji, hekanju in družbi govorila Žiga Brdnik in Miha Horvat. V angleškem jeziku.