- Ta dogodek je minil.
22. junija, 2019 23:59 - 23. junija, 2019 01:58

Pod odrskimi lučmi oživijo ter se napajajo z nepozabnimi klasikami in sodobnimi uspešnicami omenjenih glasbenih stilov. A naravnost zablestijo takrat, ko prevlada spontanost in nastopi jam, ki izraža tako virtuoznost, kakor globoko pripadnost groovu.
The Funkensteins je kreacija štirih glasbenikov različnih ozadij, ki so našli svojo homogeno celoto ob visoko napetostnem groovu funk, soul in r’n’b glasbe. Pod odrskimi lučmi oživijo ter se napajajo z nepozabnimi klasikami in sodobnimi uspešnicami omenjenih glasbenih stilov. A naravnost zablestijo takrat, ko prevlada spontanost in nastopi jam, ki izraža tako virtuoznost, kakor globoko pripadnost groovu.
The Funkensteins sestavljajo Žan Hauptman (tipke in glasilke), Filip Vadnu (6 strun), Vid Turica (6 debelih strun) in Karlo Petrović (palčke, kotli in pleh).
Žan Hauptman, tipke in glasilke
Filip Vadnu, 6 strun
Vid Turica, 6 debelih strun
Karlo Petrović, palčke, kotli in pleh
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta/Dnevna Lenta
Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
The Funkensteins is the brainchild of four artists with different backgrounds, who found their homogenous calling in a high-voltage version of funk, soul and r’n’b music. They come to life under the bright lights on the stage and are fuelled by the unforgettable evergreens and modern hits from their favourite music genres. But they’re at their absolute best when spontaneity kicks in and it’s time to jam; that’s when their virtuosity and deep dedication to groove come front and centre.
The Funkensteins are Žan Hauptman (keys and vocal chords), Filip Vadnu (6 strings), Vid Turica (6 fat strings), and Karlo Petrović (sticks, cauldrons and scrap).
Žan Hauptman, keys and vocal chords
Filip Vadnu, 6 stings
Vid Turica, 6 fat strings
Karlo Petrović, sticks, cauldrons and scrap
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ ADMISSION: Lenta/Daily Lenta
Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/