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24. junija, 2019 22:00 - 23:30

The Bodhisattwa Trio se je v minulih letih proslavil z najbolje prodajanim neodvisnim albumom v Indiji in bil izbran med 10 najboljših albumov leta 2016 v tamkajšnji izdaji revije The Rolling Stone! Foltin je ena najpomembnejših, če ne celo najpomembnejša makedonska skupina.



Indijske jazzovske skupine in glasbeniki so redke kot dragulji. Trio Bodhisattwa se je v minulih letih proslavil z najbolje prodajanim neodvisnim albumom v Indiji in bil izbran med 10 najboljših albumov leta 2016 v tamkajšnji izdaji revije The Rolling Stone – kar v deželi z 1,4 milijarde prebivalcev zares šteje!

Njihova glasba je spontan spoj med jazz in rock glasbo, v kompleksnih ritmih pa težko skrijejo izkušnje bogatega klubskega življenja Kalkute. Brez težav virtuozno združujejo indijsko tradicijo s sodobnim drum’n’bassom, v svoji kitarski brzoprstosti in virtuozni fuziji jazza in rocka pa spominjajo na Joea Satrianija ter nekatere druge kitarske bogove.

Doslej sta izšla dva albuma, »Intersections« in »Heart of Darkness,« na Festivalu Lent pa bodo premierno predstavili svežega, tretjega!

Ghosh, el. kitare
Premjit Dutta, bobni
Shonai, klavir, klaviature, »synth-bass«

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2PPYpMN


Foltin je ena najpomembnejših, če ne celo najpomembnejša makedonska skupina. Od začetkov leta 1995 do danes je izdala že osem albumov.

Njihovo glasbo je težko definirati, saj zveni nepredvidljivo in izzivalno: polna je nekonvencionalnih presenečenj, strasti, avtentičnega humorja in združuje številne glasbene žanre, od elektroakustike, alternative, rocka, funka in ambientalne glasbe. Njihova sposobnost, da na koncertih ustvarijo edinstveno in izvirno atmosfero, ki včasih spominja na kabaret, jih je naredila slavne širom Evrope.

Njihovi koncerti zmeraj zvenijo sveže in polni idej; hkrati pa imajo moč, da občinstvu pričarajo sodobni talilni lonec Balkana.

Pece Nikiolovski, klarinet, ustna harmonika
Branislav Nikolov, glas
Pece Trajkovski »Brada«, harmonika, klaviature, kitara, tolkala
Goce Jovanovski, bas
Slavco Jovev, bobni
Marjan Stanič, tolkala

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VPyZQG

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ VSTOPNICE: 15 €, za imetnike (Dnevne) Lente 9 €

Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/



Jazz band with a best-selling indie album in India that made the Rolling Stone India’s list of Top 10 records of 2016!

Indian jazz bands and artists are as rare as pearls. The Bodhisattwa Trio made a name for themselves in recent years with the best-selling indie album in India that made the Rolling Stone India’s list of Top 10 records of 2016 – this is nothing to sneeze at in a country with 1.4 billion inhabitants!

Their music is a spontaneous combination of jazz and rock, and their complex rhythms are bursting with experience of the hustling and bustling club scene of Calcutta. The trio easily join Indian traditional tunes with modern drum’n’bass and often invoke images of Joe Satriani and other guitar gods with the swiftness of fingers on their guitar frets and masterful fusion of jazz and rock.

They released two albums to date, Intersections and Heart of Darkness. The trio are coming to Festival Lent for a premiere of their latest, third album!

Ghosh, electric guitar
Premjit Dutta, drums
Shonai, piano, keys, synth-bass

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2PPYpMN


Foltin are one of the most important, if not the most important Macedonian band. Since they were founded in 1995, they already released eight albums.

Their music is difficult to define, as it always sounds unpredictable and provocative; it’s full of unconventional surprises, passion and authentic humour, and combines numerous genres ranging from electro-acoustic, alternative, rock, funk and ambient music. Foltin have the ability to create a unique and original atmosphere at their gigs that is sometimes closer to a cabaret. This is what made them famous all across Europe.

Their performances are always a breath of fresh air and full of ideas, all while giving the audience an authentic feel of the melting pot that is the Balkans.

Pece Nikiolovski, clarinet, harmonica
Branislav Nikolov, vocals
Pece Trajkovski “Brada”, accordion, keyboards, guitar, percussion
Goce Jovanovski, bass
Slavco Jovev, drums
Marjan Stanič, percussion

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VPyZQG

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ ADMISSION: 15 €, for (Daily) Lenta holders 9 €

Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


24. junija, 2019
22:00 - 23:30