- Ta dogodek je minil.
21. junija, 2019 23:50 - 22. junija, 2019 02:00

Pričakujte »world-wide« selekcijo glasbenih biserov, katerih skupna nit je preprosto – ples!
Preddy bo tokratni set posvetil »soulful« glasbi, pri čemer se žanrsko ne bo omejeval. Pričakujte »world-wide« selekcijo glasbenih biserov, katerih skupna nit je preprosto – ples!
Preddy je predan dolgoletni zbiratelj črne plastike, didžej in lastnik založbe Personal Records. Od njene ustanovitve pred več kot 10-imi leti mu je uspelo izdati produkcijo izvajalcev, kot so Marcus Worgull, Smoab, Dieter Reith, Tondach Edelmatte, Michael H., DJ Buzz, 1000Names, MC Eiht & Brenk Sinatra, Eddy Ramich ter številnih drugih. Kadar ne izdaja plošč, nastopa po Avstriji in Evropi ter vodi tedensko radijsko oddajo »Rare and Well Done« na dunasjki radijski postaji Superfly.FM.
Preddy Tendergrass
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €) / After+Mladinin oder (5 €)
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
Preddy is about to dedicate this set to soulful music without any genre-specific limitations. Expect a worldwide selection of musical gems connected by one simple premise – dance!
Preddy has long been a devoted collector of black plastic, DJ and owner of the record label Personal Records. Ever since the record label was founded well over 10 years ago, he’s managed to put out a diverse range of productions by artists such as Marcus Worgull, Smoab, Dieter Reith, Tondach Edelmatte, Michael H., DJ Buzz, 1000Names, MC Eiht & Brenk Sinatra, Eddy Ramich and many more. When he’s not releasing records, he’s touring Austria and Europe and emceeing his weekly radio show “Rare and Well Done” on Vienna’s Superfly.FM radio station.
Preddy Tendergrass
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €) / After+Mladina stage ticket (5 €)
Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/