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3. novembra, 2018 19:00 - 22:00

Ni je bolj žalostne slike od 35 let starega najstniškega idola. Pridi na NOSTALGIA FOR THE PRESENT II, kjer te bomo obvarovali pred krutim bežanjem časa in odložili, četudi le za trenutek, iztek tvoje podaljšane adolescence. Pogovori o davku na dedovanje, prenovah kopalnic, anksioznih motnjah in računih za veterinarja naj ostanejo pred vrati, medtem ko se spominjamo na čas, predno so naši starši odkrili internet. Happy hardcore sredine 90-ih let (NFTP I: www.facebook.com/events/133768613648806/) bosta zamenjala R&B in pop punk s preloma milenija in mi bomo plesali, kot bi nam še ostalo nekaj vsaj sorodnega zasebnosti.

Gostitelja: Elektro Karmen & Ostrovshka
There is no sight sadder than that of a 35-year-old former teen star. Come to NOSTALGIA FOR THE PRESENT II, where we will protect you from the cruel passage of time and extend further, if only for a little bit, your prolonged adolescence. Talk of inheritance tax, new bathrooms, anxiety disorders and veterinary bills will be left at the door, while we reminisce about a time before our parents discovered the internet. Mid-90s happy hardcore (NFTP I: www.facebook.com/events/133768613648806/) will make way for fin-de-millénaire R&B and pop punk, as we dance like we still had some semblance of privacy left.

Hosted by: Elektro Karmen & Ostrovshka

☂ ☭ ✿ ✈ ♞ ❤ ♀ ☢ ☠


3. novembra, 2018
19:00 - 22:00