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13. oktobra, 2018 11:00 - 16:00

Metoda Inge Morath
fotografska delavnica – izbor fotografij in oblikovanje fotoknjige
UGM, Strossmayerjeva 6
sobota, 13. oktober 2018, 11.00 – 16.00
vodi: Kurt Kaindl, fotograf in kustos razstave Inge Morath

V spremljevalnem programu retrospektivne razstave Inge Morath kustos razstave Kurt Kaindl obiskovalce vabi na celodnevno delavnico na temo ustvarjanja foto knjige, ki bo temeljila na metodi Inge Morath in razkrila tipične lastnosti fotografov Magnum Photos. Spoznali bomo proces ustvarjanja foto knjige in postavljanja fotografske razstave, na podlagi fotografskega materiala Inge Morath. Mimogrede bomo izvedeli še marsikaj o njenem življenju in delu, saj sta s Kurtom tesno sodelovala zadnjih 15 let njenega življenja in skupaj postavila sedem preglednih razstav ter izdala prav toliko monografij.

Na delavnici bomo prešli ves proces izdelave foto knjige: fotografiranje, dokumentiranje z besedilom, izbor slik iz kontaktnih kopij, izbor fotografij za namen razstave ali knjige, izbor fotografij in določitev vrstnega reda v fotoknjigi in končno postavitev in razporeditev ter tiskanje foto knjige. Začeli bomo z ogledom kontaktnih kopij (s pomočjo projektorja) in delali neposredno s kopijami fotografij. Nato se bomo preizkusili v samostojnem delu izbora fotografij in postavitve serije ter jih v skupini predebatirali.
Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

cena: 12 EUR, 8 EUR za člane UGM Kluba
prijave na: brigita.strnad@ugm.si
Inge Morath’s method
photography workshop – image selection and design for a photo book
UGM I Maribor Art Gallery, Strossmayerjeva 6
Saturday, 13 October 2018, 11:00 – 16:00
guided by: Kurt Kaindl, photographer and curator of Inge Morath’s retrospective exhibition

In the accompanying program of the retrospective exhibition Inge Morath, Curator Kurt Kaindl invites visitors to an all-day workshop about creating a photo book. It will be based on the Inge Morath method and is going to reveal the characteristics of Magnum Photos photographers. In addition, we will also learn about Inge’s life and work, as they worked closely during the last 15 years of her life, including on the installation of seven exhibitions and the issuing of the same number of monographs.

For this workshop, the work of Inge Morath, in particular, will be used as an example of how to create a – photo-documentary project. During the workshop we will discuss the entire photo book process: Photographing – Text Documentation – Image Selection from the Contact Sheets – Selection of images for use in a book or exhibition – Image Selection and Sequencing for the book – Layout – Printing. For the workshop we will project contact sheets and pictures of Inge Morath with the beamer but also work directly with photocopies of the photos of Inge Morath. Participants will be able to try out different selections and layout variations themselves, which we will then discuss together. We will follow the entire production process of a book and an exhibition together.
The workshop will be held in English language.

price: 12 EUR / UGM CLUB members 8 EUR
applications: brigita.strnad@ugm


13. oktobra, 2018
11:00 - 16:00