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29. avgusta, 2018 19:00 - 1. septembra, 2018 20:59

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V projektu med P R O S T O R avtorica Enya Belak Gupta raziskuje, kako vzpostaviti intimen stik z neznancem, brez besed in z zaprtimi očmi. Inspiracijo črpa iz fotografske serije ‘Chance Encounter’ avtorja Duana Michalsa.
Projekt med P R O S T O R je Enya začela razvijati med študijem na Univerzi Goldsmiths v Londonu. Zanimanje za energijo, ki nas obdaja, detajl in odnose med bitji jo je spodbudilo, da svoja opazovanja deli tudi s širšim občinstvom. Otvoritvena razstava s 26 fotografskimi deli se je zgodila marca 2018 v Leman Locke v Londonu.
Koncept in umetniška dela: Enya Belak Gupta
Izvedba: Enya Belak Gupta & Jerca Rožnik Novak
Video projekcija: Aadhar gupta
☛ Več o projektu:
*Galerija Media Nox je odprta med delovniki od 10. do 14. ure ter od 15. do 18. ure, v soboto od 10. do 13. ure. Razstava bo potekala do 1. septembra.
◀︎ Enya Belak Gupta ▶︎
Mlada perspektivna ustvarjalka, magistrica filmske režije Enya Belak Gupta na Goldsmiths Univerzi v Londonu, deluje na področju filma, sodobnega plesa, gledališča in vizualnih komunikacij. S svojimi dosežki je bila večkrat vidno izpostavljena in nagrajena. Med drugim je prejela nagrado Ksenije Hribar za perspektivno plesalko. Sodelovala je s slovenskimi in tujimi avtorji pri različnih projektih. Kot samostojna avtorica se je predstavila s številnimi projekti, kot so Luminary (kratko igrani film), Rdeča fontana (kratki plesni film), Deklica z zmajem (plesna predstava), The Daddy Project (plesna predstava) in drugimi. Razvija svojo metodo dela, ki jo je poimenovala montažna koreografija. Prepoznavna je kot režiserka, scenografka, plesalka, koreografinja in oblikovalka.
In S P A C E between, Enya Belak Gupta explores the idea of meeting a stranger through an intimate space without words, without seeing each other. Inspired by the photographic sequence ‘Chance Encounter’ by Duane Michals.
S P A C E between is a project Enya started developing during her studies at the Goldsmiths University of London. Her interest in the surrounding energy, details and relationships between beings encouraged her to present her intimate observations to the public. The opening exhibition of twenty six photographic works took place in March 2018 in Leman Locke, London.
Concept and art works: Enya Belak Gupta
Performed by: Enya Belak Gupta & Jerca Rožnik Novak
Video projection: Aadhar gupta
*The Media Nox Gallery is open on weekdays from 10 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm.
◀︎ Enya Belak Gupta ▶︎
Enya Belak Gupta is an upcoming artist, recently graduated from Goldsmiths University of London with an MA in Directing Fiction films. Enya works in fields of film, contemporary dance, theatre, and visual communications. Enya has been recognised and awarded for her accomplishments. The Award of Ksenja Hribar for a prospective and upcoming dancer is one of them. She collaborated with Slovenian and International artists in numerous projects. In recent years she has presented various projects such as Luminary (short film), Red Fountain (short dance film), Girl with The Dragon (dance performance), The Daddy Project (dance performance), etc. Editing Choreography is her own method of work which she is still developing. Enya is known as a director, production designer, dancer, choreographer and graphic designer.
ℹ️Več informacij o festivalu in programu si lahko preberete na:
☛ http://www.platforma.plesnaizba.si/
☛ http://mkc.si/performa-platforma-2018
Organizatorja festivala: MKC Maribor in Plesna izba Maribor
Festival so omogočili:
Mestna občina Maribor, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport – Urad RS za mladino, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Republica Portugesa, Direção-Geral das Artes, Fonds Podiumkunsten
Generalni medijski pokrovitelj festivala je RTV Slovenija – Val 202