- Ta dogodek je minil.
22. junija, 2019 21:00 - 23:00

Marko Grobler in Ezl ek po duetu s priznanim harmonikašem Janezom Dovčem, triu z legendarnim basistom Andrejem Vebletom in bobnarjem Mariom Modrinjakom ter sodelovanju s pevko Aphro Tesla ponovno oživlja svojo prvotno zasedbo Ezl ek. Člani so se zamenjali, repertoar pa poleg starih uspešnic ponuja tudi nove skladbe, odigrane v značilni »ezlekovski« maniri.
V lanskem letu je v sodelovanju s pesnikom Borutom Gombačem posnel album z naslovom Melodije zamolčanih besed, ki je izšel pri založbi Pivec. Za album je med drugim posnel duete z Bilbi, Aphro Tesla in Ano Karneža.
Po duetu s priznanim harmonikašem Janezom Dovčem, triu z legendarnim basistom Andrejem Vebletom in bobnarjem Mariom Modrinjakom ter sodelovanju s pevko Aphro Tesla ponovno oživlja svojo prvotno zasedbo Ezl ek. Člani so se zamenjali, repertoar pa poleg starih uspešnic ponuja tudi nove skladbe, odigrane v značilni »ezlekovski« maniri.
Marko Grobler, vokal, akustična kitara
Dejan Berden, klavir, harmonika
Miha Kavaš, violina, vokal
Jure Najdič, kontrabas, vokal
Gorazd Andrejč, bobni
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2ZorraF
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta (25 €; za študente 15 €) / Dnevna Lenta (15 €)
Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
Maribor local Marko Grobler founded the band Ezl ek in 1999 with whom he released the album Hitim zgubljen skoz’ mesto. After the band went their separate ways, Marko continued his career as a solo artist.
He thrice appeared at the Kantfest festival and earned first, second and third place. He appeared at various festivals and concert venues (Festival Lent, Godibodi, Musica Carniola, Globoka grla in Križanke, Šanson festival, La vie en Rose 2011 at the Gallus Hall, etc.). He wrote the music score for the documentary Mariborska dvorišča directed by Bojan Labovič. He collaborated with poet and writer Feri Lainšček. Together they produced a monograph on the Prekmurje region and a record entitled Občutek za veter. Marko wrote the score for the puppet play by Dušan Šarotar entitled Mali Ribič performed by the Jože Pengov Puppet Theatre, the score for the documentary Občutek za veter directed by Maja Weis, and the score for the movie Nebeška vas directed by Rudi Uran. In 2011, he released his first solo album entitled Iz dneva v dan with Celinka Records.
Last year, his collaboration with poet Borut Gombač netted the album entitled Melodije zamolčanih besed that was released by Pivec Records. The album features collabs with Bilbi, Aphra Tesla and Ana Karneža.
After his duet with the renowned accordion player Janez Dovč, a trio appearance consisting of Marko, the legendary bass player Andrej Veble and drummer Mario Modrinjak, and after appearing with singer Aphra Tesla, Marko has again revived his original band Ezl ek. While some original members were replaced by new ones, their repertoire still features old hits, along with new material, all of which carry that distinct Ezl ek sound.
Marko Grobler, vocals, acoustic guitar
Dejan Berden, piano, accordion
Miha Kavaš, violin, vocals
Jure Najdič, double bass, vocals
Gorazd Andrejč, drums
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2ZorraF
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ ADMISSION: Lenta (25 €; for students 15 €) / Daily Lenta (15 €)
Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/