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27. septembra, 2018 20:00 - 21:00

Zelo redki so filmarji in filmi, ki so v zgodovini sprožili toliko različnih razmislekov, interpretacij, debat in ponovnih ogledov, kot je to Odiseja v vesolju, režiserja Stanleya Kubricka. Sloviti ničejanski uvod, misteriozni črni monolit, največji preskok v zgodovini filma od kosti v roki pračloveka do vesoljske ladje, srhljivi superračunalnik HAL 9000, »trip« astronavta Bowmana v drugo dimenzijo in čarobni Zvezdni otrok so le nekateri izmed nepozabnih momentov iz te mojstrovine, ki še danes buri domišljijo filmofilov po vsem svetu. Kaj se skriva za temi podobami, kaj nam je želel sporočiti Kubrick in na kakšne načine si lahko razlagamo simboliko gibljivih slik ter njihove harmonije z izjemnim izborom glasbe, bomo skušali odgovoriti s filmskim kritikom Maticem Majcnom, ki je ob 50-letnici filma pri založbi Dialogi izdal knjigo Kubrickova Odiseja v vesolju. Snemanje podcasta #MariborIsTheFuture bo javno, zato se nam lahko tudi v živo pridružite v studiu YoureUp Radio ter tudi sami prispevate h gotovo iskrivi debati o »najboljšem filmu vseh časov«, kot ga je drzno poimenoval Majcen.

»Šele takrat, ko so mi bili poznani vsi kotički te mojstrovine, sem lahko dokončno rekel, da sem zares ‘videl Odisejo’ v vseh njenih različnih dimenzijah, in takrat sem končno znal argumentirati, zakaj je ta film zame najboljši od vseh, kar sem jih kdaj videl.«
– Matic Majcen v uvodu v knjigo Kubrickova Odiseja v vesolju
WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE – Style and technique as part of story telling

Create a one minute film that tells an intriguing and compelling story inspired, by the collision of three totally unconnected images. Be bold, inventive and playful with techniques you’ve not used before, but most of all – have fun and you’ll learn new techniques and transferable skills, which you can use beyond the workshop and in your practice.

Pick three postcards from pictures provided and use one from each of the three separately themed groups that represent essential story elements; Character, Situation and Environment as a starting point for a story. The images range from abstract and fantasy to gritty reality. Each image has a strong graphic, illustration, or photographic style not necessarily common to animation, so participants will have to use imagination and learn new skills and techniques to galvernizes unconnected elements into a powerful and unique film.
Your first task will be to analyse and discuss the 3 images you have chosen and devise a short scenario that involves a character from one of the images, in a situation from the second image, that takes place in an environment from the third.
Working in groups of 5, quickly develop a simple, but compelling story. Create an outline, or short synopsis within a few hours on one sheet of A4 paper. A rough storyboard should be created as a visual guide before production begins by end of day 1.
Teams will then have a further 2 days working in collaborative teams to build models, light sets, animate, edit and add music, or sound design to complete films using any animation and/or pixilation technique of your choice.
The finished film should have a soundtrack that heightens the atmosphere and emotion of what you are trying to communicate within your one minute film. Finished films must be handed in by 12 NOON on day 4: (Sunday 7th Oct) at the latest.

To find more about Osbert Parker visit www.osbertparker.com

Detailed workshop’s schedule available on https://www.stoptrik.eu/workshot-2018/

How can you participate in the workshop?

The workshop is open for everyone interested in (stop motion) animation. The number of the participants is limited so make sure that you register for the workshops by contacting brina.stoptrik@gmail.com.��The cost of the workshops is 20 EURO.�Please deposit the workshot fee to:�Zavod za podporo civilnodružbenih iniciativ in multikulturno sodelovanje Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor, Ob železnici 8, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia�IBAN: SI56045150000318668�SWIFT: KBMASI2X�Bank: Nova KBM d. d., Ul. Vita Kraigherja 4, 2505 Maribor�Purpose: Your name and surname + Workshot


27. septembra, 2018
20:00 - 21:00