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25. februarja, 2019 20:30 - 23:30
TUNIC (Winnipeg, Kanada)
Disonantno in abrazivno glasbo Kanadčanov Tunic vodijo ostri tresljaji basista Roryja Ellisa ter udarci bobnarja Dana Ungerja, medtem ko David Schellenberg na kitari izvaja kirurške reze v zvoku unikatnih aranžmajev skupine, neskončna nezadovoljnost pa polni njegovo kričanje.
Tunic so v letu 2017 izvedli severno-ameriško in evropsko turnejo, s katerima so promovirali svoj Disappointment EP iz leta 2016. Med turnejo so igrali z imeni, kot so Single Mothers, KEN Mode in METZ in navdušili tudi njihove privržence.
Skupina pripravlja svoj debitantski dolgometražni izdelek v letu 2019 in bo na koncertu promovirala svoj zadnji singel “Teeth Showing”, ki je bil izdan na kanadski založbi Buzz Records.
Povezave do skupine Tunic:
Bandcamp: https://tunicband.bandcamp.com
Splet: http://tunicband.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tunicband
Projekt Solar Pulse Music podpira Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije.
TUNIC (Winnipeg, Canada)
Dissonant, yet abrasive, Tunic is lead by the punishing churns of Rory Ellis’s bass and Dan Unger’s drums, where David Schellenberg’s guitar surgically cuts, hisses and chimes through the band’s unique arrangements, while his screams are fueled by endless dissatisfactions.
The band’s live show was honed during a packed two years of touring in North America and Europe behind 2017’s Boss and 2016’s Disappointment EPs. During the time on the road the band have shared stages with acts like Single Mothers, KEN Mode and METZ, and Tunic displays a seemingly effortless intensity that would excite fans of those acts.
Coming off of a split for their latest single “Teeth Showing” on Canadian taste maker Buzz Records, the band is preparing to release another single this fall and their debut LP in 2019.
Links to Tunic:
Bandcamp: https://tunicband.bandcamp.com
Website: http://tunicband.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tunicband
Project Solar Pulse Music is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia.