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7. oktobra, 2018 10:00 - 11:00

Interesni Safari: Kako živijo kinodvorane

Mariborska kinematografija ima dolgo in zanimivo zgodovino. Od začetkov potujočih projekcij konec 19. st, do rednih predstav v začetkov 20. stoletja in gradnje prvih namenskih dvoran v obdobju med obema vojnama. Po letu 2000 so po večini zaprla svoja vrata, sedaj pa služijo različnim namenom. Nekateri prostori so namenjeni razstavnim, depojskim, koncertnim, drugi spet gledališkim in televizijskim namenom. Sprehodili se bomo skozi mesto in obiskali nekatera prizorišča, kjer so še vidne sledi preteklega delovanja, kot tudi tiste, ki so popolnoma spremenile podobo in nekdanjo funkcijo.

Zberemo se pred SALON UPORABNIH UMETNOSTI ob 10:00.

Vodič safarija: Simon Žlahtič
Safari of interests: Life of Movie Theatres
Cinematography has a long and interesting history in Maribor. From the beginning of travelling film exhibitions at the end of the 19th century to regular screenings at the beginning of the 20th century and construction of first purpose-built movie theatres in the period between the two world wars. After year 2000, movie theatres were mostly shut down and today they serve different purposes. Some of them are used as depots, exhibition or concert halls, others are used for theatre and television purposes. We will walk through the city and visit several venues, some of which still carry a mark of their former purpose while others
completely changed their image and function.

Starting point at 10:00 a.m. in front of SALON UPORABNIH UMETNOSTI.

Safari guide: Simon Žlahtič


7. oktobra, 2018
10:00 - 11:00