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26. marca, 2019 09:00 - 31. marca, 2019 20:00

O Mariboru in Mariborčanih kroži veliko urbanih legend, ki se skrivajo za zastori komaj vidnega. Pod njegovo umirjeno površino vedno brbota življenje. V sebi skriva neskončno število zgodb in kotičkov, ki zrcalijo veliko mariborsko srce in njegovo globoko dušo.

Imamo vse kar imajo veliki in še več. Ne verjamete? Potem je Festival sprehodov prav za vas. Med 26. in 31. marcem bodo mestne ulice, trgi, podzemni rovi in okoliški griči razkrili svoje zgodbe in legende, ki delajo Maribor tako zelo mariborskega, tako zelo našega.

Festivalske dneve namenjamo raznovrstnim sprehodom, teh bo 36 in prav vsi bodo za obiskovalce brezplačni, večeri pa bodo pestro tematsko obarvani. S strokovnjaki se bomo pogovarjali o literaturi, povezani z našim mestom, o kreativnem turizmu, o hoji, kot načinu življenja, o kulturni dediščini in iskanju rešitev za hrib, kjer se je začela pisati zgodovina mesta, Piramido; en večer bo namenjen tudi dokumentarnim filmom.

Vzporedno Festivalu sprehodov bo potekal tudi tridnevni Festival of Walks: Prototyping Lab for Creative Tourism, kjer bomo s priznanimi mednarodnimi strokovnjaki in Center za kreativnost razvijali produkte kulturnega turizma.

👉URNIK SPREHODOV – https://rajzefiber.squarespace.com/slo/program
Rezervacije sprejemamo vsak delovnik med 10:00 in 18:00 tudi na telefon 0838 677 76 ali v Rajzefibru na Gosposki 11!


Prepričani smo, da nihče izmed obiskovalcev Festivala sprehodov ne bo nikoli več rekel, da je Maribor sivo mesto in da se pri nas nič ne dogaja.

Festival sprehodov nastaja v sodelovanju ekip: Maribor is the Future, Zadruge Živo Mesto in Rajzefibra in v partnerstvu Hiše! s Centrom plesa, Medijskim društvom Plankton, ZIP, Turističnim društvom Maribor, Društvom za razvoj filmske kulture.
Many urban legends and clichés circulate about Maribor and its people. Some of them certainly are true, but many do not hold water. Often we hear that the city is grey and nothing happens; that we totter after the others, the once who are significant and richer … more beautiful cities. Maribor is far from perfect and orderly as some other towns; it is a bit disordered, scraped and rugged, but it is ours and we like it exactly as it is.

Above all, it is NOT grey and boring! Under his subdued surface, life is always sizzling. It hides a lot of stories and niches, so that we can rightly say that Maribor is a metropolis. Even though it is just Styrian.
We have everything they have big and maybe even more. You do not believe it? Then the Festival of walks is right for you.

Between March 26th and March 31st, there will be more than thirty free walks on the city streets, underground trenches, markets, and you will get to know the stories and legends that make Maribor so “mariborian”, so very much ours.

We also took care of studious walks in the evenings, where we will take a walk around Maribor through the topics on literature, creative tourism, walking, industrial heritage or even on a hill where everything started – the Pyramid. In the meantime, you will be able to create your own touristic product in our laboratory; finally on the last day we will present the Rajzefiber awards and, with our tired legs, gate at Maribor in moving pictures.

And to all the first time visitors of the city: come with us the walkers, who cherish this city, discover the dusty niches and unspoken stories! Let us introduce to you the diversity of Maribor, its medieval and bourgeois faces, and the strong industrial and labour legacy, its creative urbanity, which is interweaved with the relaxed greenery of our soft hills and thus provides room for different, crazy stories.


We are convinced that none of the visitors of the Festival of walks will ever again say that Maribor is a grey city and that nothing happens here. Moreover, we are convinced that, you will become an active walker and become infatuated with our town at the river.

Festival of Walks is organized by Maribor is the Future, Cooperative Vivid City and House’s program Rajzefiber.


26. marca, 2019 09:00
31. marca, 2019 20:00