- Ta dogodek je minil.
7. februarja, 2019 19:30 - 20:00
V okviru pred-festivalskih dogodkov PLATFORMA PRED PLATFORMO in v sodelovanju s Creative Spirits (MOM), Zavodom MOJA KREACIJA Maribor vabljeni na prvi dogodek v letošnjem letu. Platforma sodobnega plesa se v letu 2019 ukvarja s temo okušanja. V prvem sklopu v mesecu februarju predstavljamo domače ustvarjalce in okušamo ples, ki skupaj z glasbo nastopi kot enakovredni element.
Duet za tolkala in stopala je sodobni plesno glasbeni scenski dogodek, kjer se na odru srečata glasbenik in plesalka,ki se preko glasbe in plesa prepleteta v nerazdružljivo celoto.
Povezava plesa in glasbe se vzpostavi preko notranje izkušnje glasbenika in plesalke, ki se na intuitivni ravni povežeta v krogotok, kjer posameznik oz. izvajalec ni več pomemben, ostane pa le srž, ki predstavlja bistvo plesa in glasbe. Gre za metafizičen proces, ki se ustvari, ko se akterja prepustita trenutku, kjer ne obstaja ne »potem«, ne »prej« in ni misli.
Avtorja, soustvarjalca, izvajalca/ Authors, creators, performers : Dalanda Diallo in Damir Mazrek
Koreografija/Choreography: Dalanda Diallo
Glasba/Music: Damir Mazrek
S podporo/with support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
Koprodukcija/Co-production: Plesni teater Ljubljana
Duet for percussion and feet is a contemporary dance and music performance where a musician and a dancer meet on the stage and intertwine through music and dance and become an inseparable whole.
The concept is based on the cultural heritage of humanity, where dance and music are an equal element. The connection of dance and music is established through the inner experience of a musician and a dancer who connect on the intuitive level to form a circle, where an individual or the performer is no longer important, all that remains is the core that represents the essence of dance and music. It is a metaphysical process that is created when the performers seize the moment where there is no “before” nor “after” and there are no thoughts.
Prost vstop/Free entrance