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23. junija, 2019 20:00 - 23:30

Elvis Jackson praznujejo 20 let. Praznujmo z Elvisi, tole bo hudo!



Daniel Vezoja je pevec in songwriter, ki prihaja iz Brežic. Decembra 2016 je izdal prvi solo album Where the Light Resides, ki je bil pri kritikih odlično sprejet in se je zelo hitro uvrstil na več top 10 lestvic domačih albumov 2016. Januarja 2017 ga je predstavil s koncertom, ki so ga v živo prenašali na prvem programu Radia Slovenija. Album sta najavila dva singla I Hope The Wind Knows (feat. Joanna Marie) in pa Suzanna Smiling.

Danielova samostojna glasbena pot se je začela po razpadu bivše skupine TrainStation. Takrat se je še bolj posvetil svoji prvi ljubezni – pisanju pesmi. V javnosti je sam prvič nastopil na open micu v Dublinu. Tam se je zaljubil v lokalno glasbeno sceno in se vračal tja, kolikor je bilo to mogoče. Na ta način je prišel v stik s priznanim irskim producentom Gavinom Glassom s katerim je kasneje v studiu Orphan Recording posnel svoj prvenec. Med njegove večje nastope sodijo otvoritve za Liso Hannigan, Damiena Jurada in Lolo Marsh v Kinu Šiška ter za Dillon v A38 v Budimpešti in koncerti na festivalih Lent, Ment, Indirekt v Beogradu, Ferrara Art v Italiji ter Canalaphopic v Dublinu.

Daniel Vezoja, vokal, kitara
Dejan Slak, Wurlitzer, električne orgle
Borut Perše, kitara
Matin Koncilija, kontrabas
Tjaša Bizjak, violina
Uroš Bon, bobni

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2EeedEx


Elvis Jackson praznujejo 20 let.

Ajdovski punk rockerji veljajo za eno najuspešnejših domačih zasedb, ki si je svojo slavo prislužila tudi na mnogih koncertnih prizoriščih po vsej Evropi. V 20 letih so nastopili skupaj z zasedbami kot so Faith No More, Sepultura, Anthrax, Fishbone, The Offspring, Asian Dub Foundation in številnimi drugimi. Od prvega dne bogate kariere veljajo za bend, ki slovi po nepozabnih, s pozitivno energijo nabitih nastopih.

Na koncertni turneji ob 20-letnici se bodo ustavili tudi na mariborskem Festivalu Lent, novi in stari hiti pa bodo slišani v sklopu posebne izvedbe »pol elektrika & pol akustika« v družbi brass sekcije.

Praznujmo z Elvisi, tole bo hudo!

Elvis Jackson & gostje

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/30rnAKk

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Vstopnine ni.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


Daniel Vezoja • Elvis Jackson & guests


Daniel Vezoja is a singer- songwriter from Brežice. He released his first solo album Where the Light Resides in December 2016, earning excellent reviews from the music critics and soon making the top 10 on various domestic records lists in 2016. In January 2017, the concert he was presenting the new record in was broadcast live by Radio Slovenia’s Programme 1. The album was announced by two singles, I Hope the Wind Knows (feat. Joanna Marie) and Suzanna Smiling.

Daniel’s solo career began after the breakup of his former band TrainStation. It was then that he focused even more on his first love – songwriting. He first appeared live on stage at an open mic event in Dublin. There he fell in love with the local music scene and kept returning as often as possible. This brought him in contact with the renowned Irish produced Gavin Glass, who later recorded Daniel’s first album at the Orphan Recording studios. Some of his largest gigs include opening for Lisa Hannigan, Damien Jurado and Lola Marsh at Kino Šiška and opening for Dillon at the A38 in Budapest, as well as appearances at festivals such as Festival Lent, Ment, Indirekt in Belgrade, Ferrara Art in Italy and Canalaphopic in Dublin.

Daniel Vezoja, vocals, guitar
Dejan Slak, Wurlitzer, electric organ
Borut Perše, guitar
Matin Koncilija, double bass
Tjaša Bizjak, violin
Uroš Bon, drums

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2EeedEx


Elvis Jackson are celebrating their 20th anniversary.

The punk-rockers from Ajdovščina are one of the most successful Slovenian bands, having earned their fame in numerous concert venues across Europe. During their 20 years together, they appeared alongside big names such as Faith No More, Sepultura, Anthrax, Fishbone, The Offspring, Asian Dub Foundation and many more. They’ve been known since their very first day as band with the most unforgettable and energy-filled gigs.

As part of their 20th anniversary tour, Elvis Jackson will make a stop at Festival Lent in Maribor. Their new and old hits will be given a brand new “half plugged & half unplugged” treatment and will be supported by a full brass section.

Let’s celebrate with the Elvis; this is going to be a blast!

Elvis Jackson & gostje

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/30rnAKk

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Admission free.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


23. junija, 2019
20:00 - 23:30