- Ta dogodek je minil.
19. junija, 2019 20:00 - 21:00

Chorus je zmagovalni projekt razpisa za Kulturni evro 2016.
Predstava Chorus je prejela nagrado Gibanice 2019 za najboljšo predstavo po izboru občinstva.
Ustvarjalce predstave Chorus ples zanima kot trangresivna gesta, ki lahko preseže normirano in stvarno, saj je gibanje kot relacijska Reč vselej stvar medtelesnega in s tem zelo plodna možnost politične emancipacije. “Ples je vselej lociran vmes – v neki pogoj skupnosti. Nima lastne pozicije; dar je, ki ga prejmemo brez sprejetja, dar, ki ga damo brez dajanja. Skupaj lahko obstajamo le vmes, v praznih prostorih, črnih luknjah, naših nenehnih nesporazumih, ki vzpostavljajo resničnost. Eno smo lahko le skozi razliko,” je v imenu ustvarjalcev zapisal Jan Krmelj. Tragiški chorus, iz katerega izhajata nenazadnje besedi choreogus(meščan, ki ureja in plačuje zbor) in koreograf, je kot manifestacija različnih vidikov javnosti, zakonov in morale za njih retoričen glas informacije in družbenega komentarja. “Naš chorus molči. Vse preveč dogodkov in konceptov je, da bi jih lahko naslovili. Chorus se tu distancira od človeškega sveta, ponovno vstopi v predtragiško formo, da bi se dotaknili nečesa, kar ni sporočljivo.” In da bi naslovili nekaj, kar najčisteje naslavlja beseda “odsotnost”.
Žigan Krajnčan (1995) je koreograf, plesalec in performer, ki je že v času osnovne in srednje šole (SVŠGUGL) in tudi kasneje aktivno nastopal v projektih mnogih slovenskih koreografov, glasbenikov in režiserjev. Med drugim je kot svetovalec za gib sodeloval tudi z AGRFT, MGL in SNG Drama Ljubljana. Gašper Kunšek (1997) je na plesno pot stopil pri štirih letih in vse od takrat nizal številne uspehe na tekmovanjih tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini. Nato se je srečal z glasbo, s sodobnim plesom, z interdisciplinarnimi projekti, uličnimi nastopi, plesnimi dvoboji, od trinajstega leta naprej pa svoj umetniški izraz nadgrajuje v sodelovanju z Žiganom Krajnčanom. Skupaj sta v letu 2016 ustvarila avtorski duet Alien Express, s katerim nastopata po vsem svetu, leta 2017 pa je skupaj z Janom Krmeljem soustvaril avtorski projekt Chorus. Žigan in Gašper sta v istem letu prejela nagrado Ksenije Hribar za perspektivna plesalca, v letu 2018 pa sta skupaj z Nejcem Osovnikarjemodprla šolo plesa in giba Scena.
Koreografija in režija: Žigan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek in Jan Krmelj
Gibalni principi: Žigan Krajnčan in Gašper Kunšek
Konceptualna zasnova: Jan Krmelj (DivinaMimesis)
Izvajalci: Sara Janašković, Žigan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek, Teja Modrijan, Kristýna Šajtošová, Gregor Luštek, Kaja Lorenzi in Alex Tesch
Skladatelj & izvajalec glasbe: Kristijan Krajnčan
Oblikovalec luči: Borut Bučinel
Oblikovalec tona: Jure Vlahovič
Producenta: Nataša Zavolovšek in Mitja Bravhar
Produkcija: Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška in Exodos Ljubljana
Koproducenti: Alien Express, Plesna šola Urška in Urban Roof
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VTyghm
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ VSTOPNICE: 5 € / brezplačna vstopnica za imetnike Lente ali Dnevne Lente.
Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
Chorus was the winning project of the 2016 Cultural Euro call.
The performance Chorus received the Gibanica 2019 Prize for the best performance by the audience choice.
The creators of the performance Chorus are interested in dance as a transgressive gesture, which can overcome the standardised and real, for movement focuses on relations and thus always takes place between bodies, which offers extremely fertile grounds for political emancipation.
“Dance is always placed in between – into the condition for community. It does not have its own position; it is a gift we receive without acceptance, a gift we give without giving. We can coexist only in between, in the empty spaces, in the black holes, in our constant misunderstandings which establish reality. We can only become one through difference,” they say. They understand the tragic chorus, from which the words chorêgos (the bourgeoisie who organises and pays the choir) and choreographer emerged, as a manifestation of various aspects of the public, laws and morals that gives the rhetoric voice of information and social commentary.
“Our chorus remains silent. There are way too many events and concepts for us to address. Chorus distances itself from the human world, it re-enters the pre-tragic form in order to touch upon something that cannot be passed on.” Chorus also addresses something which can in its purest form be addressed merely by the word: Absence.
Žigan Krajnčan (1995) is a choreographer, dancer and performer, who actively performed in various projects by Slovenian choreographers, musicians and director since his elementary and high school days, as well as later on. Among other thing, he collaborated as a movement advisor with Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, Ljubljana City Theatre and Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana. Gašper Kunšek (1997) began his dancing career at 4 and has since had numerous successful performances in competitions both in Slovenia and abroad. Later, he came across music, contemporary dance, interdisciplinary projects, street performances, dance duels, and since he was 13, he has been developing his artistic expression in cooperation with Žigan Krajnčan. Together, they are performing around the world with their original duet Alien Express, created in 2016, and in 2017, they co‑created original project Chorus together with Jan Krmelj. Also in 2017, Žigan and Gašper won the Ksenija Hribar Award for promising dancers, and in 2018, they opened dance and movement school Scena.
Choreography and direction: Žigan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek in Jan Krmelj
Movement principles: Žigan Krajnčan in Gašper Kunšek
Conceptual design: Jan Krmelj (DivinaMimesis)
Performers: Sara Janašković, Žigan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek, Teja Modrijan, Kristýna Šajtošová and Alex Tesch
Composer & music artist: Kristijan Krajnčan
Lighting designer: Borut Bučinel
Sound designer: Jure Vlahovič
Producers: Nataša Zavolovšek and Mitja Bravhar
Production by: Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška
Co-productions by: Alien Express, Exodos Ljubljana, Plesna šola Urška in Urban Roof
☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2VTyghm
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ ADMISSION: 5 € / free ticket for Lenta or Daily Lenta holders.
Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/