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24. junija, 2019 20:00 - 23:30

Slovenska rock skupina z nenavadnim imenom BO! je na sceni prisotna že nekaj let. Muzika torej BO! The Dukes of Prunes je nadaljevanje projekta, ki sta ga Boštjan Andrejc in Samo Turk začela na Glasbeni šoli Koper, ko sta z izbranimi učenci sestavila obširen band, ki je izvajal repertoar iz opusa Franka Zappe.


• BO!

Slovenska rock skupina z nenavadnim imenom BO! je na sceni prisotna že nekaj let. Do danes so izdali tri albume z glasbo v slovenskem jeziku: Dirka za notranji mir (2012), Okrogli svetovi (2014) in Kingkong (2018). Fantje so nase opozorili predvsem v zadnjih dveh letih z gostovanjem na Izštekanih pri Juretu Longyki, ki je njihov nastop pospremil z naslednjimi besedami: »energičen in sodoben zvok z neprevzetnim rockom in jasnim sporočilom.«

V prvih dneh lanskega leta so se zaprli med studijske stene in sočasno napovedali drugačne dimenzije slovenskega rocka na njihovi tretji plošči Kingkong, ki je že na voljo v glasbenih knjižnicah Spotify, Deezer in iTunes. Vodja benda in kitarist Robi Kugler takole komentira njihovo glasbeno pot: »Naš album z rockovskim naklonom je zdravilo za dušo. V zadnjih dveh letih smo vanj vgradili naše značaje, producent pa jih je uspel sestaviti v studijsko mojstrovino. Če povzamem: nekje vmes smo postali odrasli.«

Trenutno se fantje posvečajo promociji plošče Kingkong, o kateri bomo zagotovo še slišali. Njihove tri do sedaj lansirane single z zadnje plošče lahko pogosto slišite na radijskih valovih: to so Maska, Drugi krog in bolj poletni rockovski komad Padava, ki ga je pospremil skorajda že filmski in vrhunsko zrežiran videospot. Muzika torej BO!

Grega Hrovat, bobni
Robi Kugler, kitara
Boštjan,Meh, vokal
Jurij Žohar, bas

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Eldu4A


The Dukes of Prunes je nadaljevanje projekta, ki sta ga Boštjan Andrejc in Samo Turk začela na Glasbeni šoli Koper, ko sta z izbranimi učenci sestavila obširen band, ki je izvajal repertoar iz opusa Franka Zappe. 25 let po smrti tega neulovljivega umetnika sta zbrala novo zasedbo, s katero so pripravili udaren repertoar iz njegovega obširnega opusa.

Frank Zappa (1940-1993) je bil ena najpomembnejših glasbenih figur 20. stoletja. Ustvarjal, mešal in preskakoval je polja moderne klasične glasbe, psihedelične, fusion, jazz, rock in zgodnje programirane ter elektronske glasbe z občasnimi ekskurzi v vse ostalo.

Njegovo glasbo poleg pestrosti odlikuje tudi obseg. Okrog šestdeset albumov za časa življenja, približno še enkrat toliko uradnih izdaj po smrti in nešteti »bootlegi« so pustili – in še vedno širijo – pečat v zgodovini glasbe.

Poleg tega se je Zappov glasbeni genij odražal v izjemni pestrosti besedil. Na prvi posluh zgolj humornih, v resnici pa izjemno pronicljivih in kritičnih, izhajajočih iz vsakdanjih bizarnosti. Zappa je v besedilih, pa tudi sicer, relativiziral vse. Predmet posmeha in kritike so vsi pripadniki in vse pripadnice človeške družbe. Tako ženske kot moški, črni in beli, športniki, pivci piva, Francozi, najstniki, jazzisti in Jimi Hendrix. Zato je bil venomer tarča vseh »varuhov«: morale in enakosti, klasike, jazza in rock’n’rolla.

Boštjan Andrejc – Bushy, kitara, mandolina, vokal
Samo Turk, kitara, vokal, orglice, tolkala
Andrej Marinčič, klaviature
Boris Holešek, bas
Aleš Zorec, bobni

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2LH5K2L

☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Vstopnine ni.

☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/


• BO!

The Slovenian rock band with the unique name BO! has been a staple on the Slovenian music scene for quite a few years. To this date they released three albums in Slovenian: Dirka za notranji mir (2012), Okrogli svetovi (2014) and Kingkong (2018). The fellas have made a name for themselves in the last couple of years mostly by appearing in the “Izštekani” series with Jure Longyka, who described their performance as having an “energetic and modern sound with down-to-earth rock and a clear message”.

In the beginning of last year, the band made the recording studio their temporary home and simultaneously announced a different dimension of Slovenian rock music by releasing their third album Kingkong, which is already available for download from Spotify, Deezer and iTunes.

Band leader and guitarist Robi Kugler described the band’s musical journey thusly: “Our album is rock-inclined and is a remedy for the soul. In the last two years, we spilled our characters into it while our producer has built them up to create a studio masterpiece. In short, we grew up somewhere along the way.” The band are now touring to promote their latest record Kingkong, which will surely make its way into your ears in the future. You can already catch the three singles from the record on the radio: Maska, Drugi krog, and the summer rock-vibe hit Padava, which is accompanied by a feature-film like and masterfully directed video. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for BO!

Grega Hrovat, drums
Robi Kugler, guitar
Boštjan Meh, vocals
Jurij Žohar, bass

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2Eldu4A


The Dukes of Prunes is the next chapter of the project kick-started by Boštjan Andrejc and Samo Turk at the Koper Music School where they hand-picked a few students and started a band heavy in headcount that played a repertoire from Frank Zappa’s legendary oeuvre. 25 years after the passing of this unmatched artist, Boštjan and Samo assembled a new band and chose a new repertoire from Zappa’s massive legacy.

Frank Zappa (1940-1993) was one of the most important music figures of the 20th century. He created, mixed and skipped the fields of classical music, psychedelics, fusion, jazz, rock, and early program and electro music, with occasional outbursts of all other genres.

Aside from diversity, his music is best known for its volume. He released roughly 60 albums during his lifetime, with nearly as many official records released after his death, alongside countless bootlegs, all of which have left – and continue to leave – an eternal mark on music history.

Aside from being extremely prolific, Zappa’s musical genius was reflected by the immense diversity of lyrics. They were humorous only at first listen, but listen closer and you can hear very deep-diving and critical notes born from the bizarreness of everyday life. Zappa’s lyrics, and, really anything he did, make everything relative. No member of the human race was spared from ridicule and critique; neither woman nor man, black nor white, athlete nor beer drinker, the French, teenagers, jazz musicians nor Jimi Hendrix. This made him a constant target of all watchdogs: morale and equality, classics, jazz, and rock’n’roll.

Boštjan Andrejc – Bushy, guitar, mandolin, vocals
Samo Turk, guitar, vocals, harmonica, percussion
Andrej Marinčič, keyboards
Boris Holešek, bass
Aleš Zorec, drums

☀ VIDEO: http://bit.ly/2LH5K2L

☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si

☀ Admission free.

☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/


24. junija, 2019
20:00 - 23:30