- Ta dogodek je minil.
1. junija, 2019 10:00 - 16:00

Mesto Maribor bo prvo soboto v juniju že peto leto zapored ponovno gostilo Festival palačink. Člani humanitarnega društva Rotaract klub Maribor bomo za vse sladokusce pekli slastne palačinke, vi pa boste imeli možnost izbirati med več kot 20 različnimi nadevi.
Festival bo v duhu dobrodelnosti saj bomo, v zameno za palačinko, zbirali prostovoljne prispevke za štipendiste Fundacije Leona Štuklja, ki se vsako leto podarijo nadarjenim dijakom in študentov iz socialno ogroženih družin in Fundacijo Mima za kritje stroškov športne vadbe nadarjenim športnikom iz socialno ogroženih družin.
Posladkajte se z nami in omogočite študij ter športno vadbo nadarjenim dijakom in študentom. Vabljeni vsi sladokusci, babice, dedki, otroci, starši in vsi stari in mladi, ki enostavno obožujete palačinke!
Charity Crepes Festival
Maribor will host the third charity Crepes festival on the first Saturday in June at Trg Svobode. Members of humanitarian society Rotaract club Maribor will be making pancakes and visitors will have the opportunity to enquire about the goods from organic farms and vine producers of the surroundings of Štajerska province. They will offer a wide range of toppings for pancakes- from jams, honey, walnuts to almonds and chocolate. In exchange for a symbolic donation to the Foundation of Leon Štukelj, which is giving grants to students from socially disadvantaged families, as well for Fundation MIMA. We believe that you will certainly enjoy pancakes as well as feel sweet and fabulous fillings.