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25. junija, 2019 21:30 - 23:30

Folkart, ki so ga Mariborčani že dolgo nazaj vzljubili in so nanj upravičeno ponosni, je zakorakal v svoje enaintrideseto leto. Smelo, veselo, optimistično! Za vse ljudi svobodnega duha in odprtega srca, ki želijo videti tudi preko oddaljenih obzorij.
Mariborski Folkart, največji slovenski folklorni praznik, je v lanskem letu praznoval 30 let neprekinjenega delovanja – tri desetletja praznovanja nesnovne kulturne svetovne dediščine.
Mesto Maribor je postavil v center folklornega zemljevida Evrope, prav tako pa tudi na eno najvidnejših mest v svetovnem merilu.
Ob častitljivem prazniku smo ga poimenovali »Okno v svet«, in ne bi ga mogli bolje opisati; to naše okno, ki nas vabi v svet novih izkustev, je tudi v letošnjem letu na široko odprto.
Folkart, ki so ga Mariborčani že dolgo nazaj vzljubili in so nanj upravičeno ponosni, je zakorakal v svoje enaintrideseto leto. Smelo, veselo, optimistično! Za vse ljudi svobodnega duha in odprtega srca, ki želijo videti tudi preko oddaljnih obzorij.
V juniju bodo v naše mesto prišle najvidnejše folklorne skupine iz Evrope in tudi drugih, bolj oddaljenih kontinentov. Prihajajo odločni IRCI s plesnim korakom, ki je navdihnil svetovno znane plesne predstave, videli bomo mehkobo in ponos MAKEDONIJE ter divjo razigranost UKRAJINE. Občudovali bomo skrivnostno kulturo Majev in Inkov iz MEHIKE ter se odpravili na eskotično popotovanje po GUAMSKIH OTOKIH. Folkart pa se prav tako spogleduje z oddaljeno in mistično KITAJSKO ter stavi na divje ruske prednike iz BAŠKORTOSTANA (Baškirije), z zahodne strani Urala.
To pisano svetovno druščino bodo dopolnili SLOVENCI, posebej še naši Mariborčani, Akademska folklorna skupina Študent.
Tako bo naš svetovno priznan Mednarodni CIOFF® folklorni festival FOLKART tudi letos v naše mesto prinesel čudovito in barvito kulturo z vsega sveta!
☀ VEČ: www.festival-lent.si
☀ VSTOPNICE: Lenta / Dnevna Lenta
Vstopnice na https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, v Informacijski pisarni Narodnega doma Maribor in na festivalskih prizoriščih.
☀ PROGRAM FESTIVALA LENT 2019: www.festival-lent.si/program/
Folkart, which captured the hearts of the people of Maribor a long time ago and made us all rightfully proud of it, has entered its thirty-first year in existence with a bold, happy and optimistic attitude!
Last year, the Maribor Folkart, the largest Slovenian folklore celebration, marked 30 consecutive years in existence – three decades’ worth of celebrating intangible cultural world heritage.
Folkart placed the city of Maribor at the centre of the European folklore map and made it into one of the most prominent folklore cities on a global scale.
To mark this impressive anniversary, we dubbed the festival the “Window into the World” and a more apt description could not be bestowed upon it; this window of ours that invites us all to learn and feel new experiences has been swung open once more.
Folkart, which captured the hearts of the people of Maribor a long time ago and made us all rightfully proud of it, has entered its thirty-first year in existence with a bold, happy and optimistic attitude! It calls to all people with a free spirit and open heart who wish to see beyond their immediate horizon.
In June, our city will welcome the most prominent folklore groups from Europe and other, more remote continents. Get ready for the feisty Irish and their dance steps that inspired some of the most famous dance shows; we will be able to experience the softness and pride of Macedonia and the fiery vivacity of the Ukraine. We will marvel at the mysterious culture of the Mayans and Inca from Mexico and embark on an exotic journey to the Guam Islands. Folkart will also look into the eyes of the faraway and mystic land of China and set its sights on the untamed Russian ancestors from Bashkortostan (Bashkiria) hailing from the Western edge of the Urals.
Rounding up this diverse and colourful group from all parts of the globe will be Slovenia, most notably our fellow Mariborians, the Academic Folklore Group Študent.
And so, our world-renowned International CIOFF® folklore festival Folkart will once again clothe our city in the beautiful and diverse colours of cultures from all over the world!
☀ MORE: www.festival-lent.si
☀ ADMISSION: Lenta / Daily Lenta
Tickets available at https://nd-mb.kupikarto.si/, www.eventim.si, Narodni dom Maribor and festival vanues.
☀ FESTIVAL LENT 2019 PROGRAMME : www.festival-lent.si/program/