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19. oktobra, 2018 09:00 - 16:00

Pokrajinski muzej Maribor / The Regional Museum Maribor
Vas vljudno vabi na / Kindly invites you to
Mednarodni simpozij – Uniformiranost v okviru projekta MUSEOEUROPE 2018 /
the international symposium – Uniformity within the project MUSEOEUROPE 2018

Leto 2018 je zaznamovano z generalno tematiko uniform in uniformiranja kot fenomena opomina na družbeni red in tradicijo. V Pokrajinskem muzeju Maribor hranimo več kot 3.500 vojaških in civilnih uniform ter opreme od začetka 19. stoletja do sodobnega časa. Letos je zbirka uniform dobila svojo novo depojsko postavitev, v katero bomo v času projekta MUSEOEUROPE 2018 vključili tudi plašč, t.im. Bonjourl iz posesti cesarja Franca Jožefa, 1916, Muzej vojaške zgodovine, Dunaj.
Na simpoziju MUSEOEUROPE 2018 bomo vzpostavljali povezave med razvojem, značilnostmi, funkcijami in vplivom vojaških uniform, predstavili vloge in pomen civilnih uniform ter izkušnje strokovnjakov, ki se ukvarjajo z njihovim ohranjanjem.

The year 2018 will be centred upon the general theme of the uniform as a reminder of social order and tradition. The Regional Museum Maribor keeps over 3,500 military and civilian uniforms and related items from the early 19th century to today. In 2018, the collection of uniforms had been given a new depot arrangement, which during the MUSEOEUROPE 2018 project will include Coat Bonjourl, from the posession of Emperor Franz Joseph, 1916, The Museum of Military History in Vienna.
This year’s project MUSEOEUROPE 2018 establishes the relations between development, characteristics, functions and impact of military uniforms, the role and significance of civilian uniforms and the experiences of experts involved in their preservation.

Veselimo se vašega obiska! / We look forward to your visit!

Petek, 19. oktober, ob 9. uri v viteški dvorani /
Thursday, the 19th of October, at 9 a.m. at the Knight’s Hall


od 10. do 16. ure v viteški dvorani / from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Knight’s Hall

MEDNARODNI SIMPOZIJ s predavatelji iz Slovenije, Nizozemske, Hrvaške in Srbije /
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM experts from Slovenia, Netherlands, Croatia and Serbia


19. oktobra, 2018
09:00 - 16:00