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26. oktobra, 2018 19:00 - 26. novembra, 2018 00:00

Tadej Vaukman: Dick Skinners & Grandheroes

Petek, 26. oktobra ob 19. uri

Studio 12:22, GT22, Maribor

Tadej Vaukman bo, prvič v Mariboru, predstavil dve svoji ključni avtorski seriji, Dick Skinners in Grandheroes, ki sta izšli tudi v obliki fotoknjige pod okriljem Rostfrei Publishing. Poleg razstave in pogovora z avtorjem bodo predstavljene izdaje te neodvisne ljubljanske založbe.

Razstava in fotoknjiga Dick Skinners (2015) prikazuje rezultate Vaukmanovega večletnega eksplicitnega beleženja lastne neposredne okolice, prijateljev in znancev, ki se na ekscesen način distancirajo od vsakršnih družbenih konvencij. Grandheroes (2018) je na drugi strani vizualna pripoved o spominu, odraščanju, soočanju, spoznavanju, premišljanju in minljivosti. Avtor se namreč posveča intimnem soočanju z lastno preteklostjo, ki je bila vselej zaznamovana s samozavedanjem o odstopanju od družbenih norm in o nepredvidljivosti življenja. Zbral je predmete in arhivsko fotografsko gradivo, prav tako pa je fotografiral vsakdanje situacije v hiši starih staršev, kjer je preživel svoja formativna leta.

Tadej Vaukman (1984) je neodvisni umetnik, fotograf in založnik. V svoji prevladujoče fotografski ustvarjalni praksi se pogosto poslužuje surove dokumentarne in ulične fotografije, skozi katero beleži aktualne fenomene z družbenega obrobja in neolepšano podobo sveta tukaj in zdaj. Pod okriljem založbe Rostfrei Publishing je objavil dve fotoknjigi: Dick Skinners (2015) in Grandheroes (2018), ki avtobiografsko beležita poglavja njegovega intimnega življenja. Živi in deluje v Ljubljani.

Založba Rostfrei Publishing, ki je bila ustanovljena leta 2012 s strani Jake Babnika in Boštjana Pavletiča, služi kot kreativna platforma za objavljanje in izdajanje navdihujočih, kritičnih in inovativnih vizualnih vsebin v obliki knjige. Ustvarjalca in urednika trdno verjameta, da lahko knjiga učinkuje na enak način kot katerakoli druga umetniška forma.

Razstavo podpira Fundacija Sonda.
Tadej Vaukman: Dick Skinners & Grandheroes

Friday, 26 October at 7pm

Studio 12:22 in GT22, Maribor

For the first time in Maribor, Ljubljana-based artist, publisher and photographer Tadej Vaukman will showcase two of his most crucial art pieces, Dick Skinners and Grandheroes, which were also released as photobooks published by Rostfrei Publishing. Alongside with the exhibition and artist talk the artists’ books and photobooks of this independent Ljubljana-based label will be presented.

The exhibition and photobook Dick Skinners (2015) showcases the results of Vaukman’s explicit and obsessive documenting of his own immediate surrounding over number of years, friends and colleagues who excessively distance themselves from the conventions of society. Grandheroes (2018) on the other hand is a visual tale about a memory of growing up; it is about confronting, comprehending, deliberating and about ephemerality. The artist aims to achieve an intimate confrontation with his own past, which has always been marked with self-awareness of deviation from social norms and of the arbitrariness of life as such. He collected objects of symbolic value and archival photographic materials, as well as photographing everyday situations in his grandparent’s house where he spent his formative years.

Tadej Vaukman (1984) is an independent artist, photographer and publisher. In his predominantly photographic-based artistic practice he often follows the principles of rough documentary and street photography through which he documents and comments on topical phenomena from the margins of society and shows unembellished images of the world, here and now. He released two photobooks Dick Skinners (2015) and Grandheroes (2018), both for the independent book label Rrostfrei Publishing, that autobiographically document episodes of the artist’s intimate life. He lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Rostfrei Publishing was founded by Jaka Babnik and Boštjan Pavletič in 2012 with an aim of creating a platform for bringing to light inspiring, critical and inventive visual contents. The creators and editors strongly believe that a book can function the same way as any other form of art.

Exhibition is supported by Fundacija Sonda


26. oktobra, 2018 19:00
26. novembra, 2018 00:00