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17. maja, 2019 20:00 - 21:10

V prepletu osebnih izkušenj posameznikov in globalne politične situacije, v kateri so se znašli, nam ustvarjalci ponudijo varietejski program prizorov žongliranja, petja, plesa in glasbe, ki se sestavijo v predstavo o politični situaciji življenja mladih v Tel Avivu. Multidisciplinarna uprizoritev, ki prehaja med pripovedništvom, plesom, cirkusom in gledališčem animiranih objektov, predstavlja njihove izkušnje iz vsakdanjega življenja v vojnem žarišču, nabrane v enem letu in strnjene v 23 izkušenj. Nastopajo žongler, akrobat, ki pleše, glasbenik, ki jamma, in bojevnica. Vse, kar vidimo v uprizoritvi, se je v resnici zgodilo.
Kolektiv Worst Case Scenario sestavljajo štirje samostojni umetniki, ki delujejo kot multidisciplinarni ustvarjalci, vsi pa so podkovani performerji, cirkusanti in glasbeniki. V njihovem delu je zelo izrazita večplastna slika realnosti, podkrepljena s poetičnim pogledom na svet in prepletena z njihovim veščinami.
#documentary #multidisciplinary #gesamtkunstwerk #ayearinalife #war
As a fusion of individuals’ personal experiences and the global political situation in which they have found themselves, the artists are offering us a variety show of juggling, singing, dancing and music scenes, composed into a performance about the political situation of the lives of young people in Tel Aviv. A multidisciplinary staging, a cross between storytelling, dance, circus and the theatre of animated objects, presents their experiences from everyday life in a war area, gained in one year and summed up into 23 experiences. The cast consists of a juggler, a dancing acrobat, a jamming musician and an activist. Everything we see in the performance has actually happened.
The Worst Case Scenario collective brings together four independent multidisciplinary artists, who are all adept performers, circus artists and musicians. Their work brings into focus a multilayered vision of reality, supported by a poetic view of the world as well as the four performers’ specific skills in the disciplines they excel at.
Avtorja koncepta Authors of the concept
Danielle Cohen Levy, Namer Golan
Izvajalci Performers
Danielle Cohen Levy, Gil Lavi, Namer Golan, Tomilio Munz
Scenografa in kostumografa Set and costume designers
Daniel Blankett, Michal Fridman
Oblikovalec zvoka Sound designer
Gil Lavi
Oblikovalec svetlobe Lighting designer
Yoav Barel
Producent Producer
Michal Pinto
Vodja mednarodnih gostovanj International tours manager
as is presenting arts


17. maja, 2019
20:00 - 21:10