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4. oktobra, 2018 14:00 - 4. novembra, 2018 15:30


Marsikomu vzbujajo napisi zaprtih kinodvoran v mestu nostalgijo, ki pa ni zgolj to. Lahko bi rekli, da je mesto sočasno vstopilo v korak z izumom gibljivih slik. V manj kot v letu dni po projekciji bratov Lumière v Parizu 1895, je v Maribor priromal potujoči Edisonov kinematograf Ideal. V pivnici pivovarja Götza je podjetje Charlesa Crasséja prikazovalo kratke filme. Razstava tako govori o zgodovini kina, kot z njim povezani kulturi. Od začetkov, do prvih namenskih novogradenj – kinematografskih dvoran. Te doživijo razcvet po 2. svetovni vojni, v 70ih letih pa začnejo počasi ugašati. Zgodba kinodvoran se tako konča leta 2004 z odprtjem kompleksa več kinodvoran na Lentu. Prav tako osvetljuje kulturo povezano s kinom, od različnih festivalov, Kino kluba Maribor, Zavoda Udarnik in zgodb posameznih akterjev… Razstava Kino in Maribor nam tako govori o vpetosti kinematografske kulture v mesto, ob tem pa se kar samo ponuja vprašanje, ali ob vsej množici dogodkov ne bi ponovno potrebovali mestnega kina.

Kurator: Simon Žlahtič

Signs of now closed city cinemas evoke a feeling of nostalgia in many. But it is not just about the nostalgia one could say that the city marched together with the invention of motion pictures. In less than a year after the 1895 screening by the Lumière brothers in Paris, a portable Edison’s cinematograph ”Ideal” wandered to Maribor. In tavern of a local brewer, Mr. Götz, Charles Crassé’s company screened short movies. The exhibition is dedicated to the history of cinema as well as the culture related to it from its earliest beginnings to first new, purpose-built facilities cinema halls. After the Second World War, cinema halls were in full bloom up until the 1970s when they gradually started to decline. Their history ends in 2004 with the opening of a multiplex with numerous cinema halls in Lent. The exhibition also casts light on cinema-related culture, from various festivals, Kino klub Maribor (Cinema Club Maribor), institute Zavod Udarnik, to stories of individuals active in the respected field… Cinema and Maribor exhibition speaks of inclusion of cinematographic culture into the city, hereby posing the question, whether in all this multitude of events, a city cinema wouldn’t have been needed again after all. Curator: Simon Žlahtič


4. oktobra, 2018 14:00
4. novembra, 2018 15:30